Conversation Between harkatsmom and Rockin' Kitty

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks for the rep and the Thanksgiving wishes. I couldn't be more thankful, this year!

    I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  2. Thanks for the rep!!

    Have an awesome weekend yourself

  3. Good thing Grandma has some say in the naming

    I like the name Rylie...It is also my neighbours Grandsons name
  4. Thanks for the rep!!

    My daughter wanted to name her son Damien but I quickly put an end to that!! LOL She came up with Rylie after that, and I LOVED IT!!
  5. I love the colours here!!
  6. Thanks
    ...and thanks for the rep!

    I'll be a grandma for the first time
  7. Bring it on!! lol

    Thanks for the friend request and the rep!
    ..oh and the cute kitty pic

    Have an awesome weekend!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 30 of 35
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