Conversation Between heartgirl99 and mcminsen

120 Visitor Messages

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  1. And a Happy New Year to you!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best in 2012!

  3. happy christmas!
    hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
  4. And Happy Hallowe'en to you, too!

  5. Thanks for the rep! We're having a very nice autumn here, and we deserve it after the non-summer we had. Not much rain... so far.

    I hope you will be able to enjoy the non-winter weather before the real stuff arrives.
  6. Thanks for the rep! I hope your September is golden.
  7. lazy day here too.
    got sucked into a book. i started it thinking i would read the first few chapters and then prob give it up since it's not my usual fare..... well 350 pages later.... lol!
  8. Thanks for the rep. I was a blob today... did little or nothing. It felt good! And I hope your Saturday felt good, too. ;-)
  9. Hiya! My computer is in storage and I'm painting baseboards. Maybe one more week (fingers crossed). Take care and ciao 4 now.
  10. Thanks for the rep.

    I'm getting new floors!

    My computer is in storage.

    I'm really looking forward to summer!

    Oops, it's almost September.

    I hope it's been smooth sailing for you.
  11. hey mcminsen!
    hope you're safe out there in riot city.
    what a bunch of idiots!
  12. what a pretty pic!
    thank you for sharing
  13. Spring greetings from Lotusland! The tree blossoms this year are quite late here. This is a pic of mine from last year, on Feb.13th.

  14. Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. Happy New Year, and all the best in '11!

  16. happy new year!

    health and peace to you and yours!

  17. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!

  18. you're welcome!
    you must REALLY have enjoyed your eggnog this morning!
  19. Thanks for the ferret reps!
  20. you're welcome.
    i hope we get to 10,000!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 60 of 120
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