Conversation Between heartgirl99 and CarroGirl

24 Visitor Messages

  1. hey carrie!
    nice to see you
    hope all is well with you too!
  2. it's been a long time for me on here. hope you are doing well
  3. happy new year to you too!
  4. Happy New Year.

  5. hey girl!
    hope things are going well with your young man!
    have a great christmas with your kids and take time to REEEEEEELAX!
  6. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Been pretty busy and I am just glad that I finally have some time off.
    Hope all is well with you. I'll have to visit here more often.
  7. i am HAPPY that you are back!
  8. I am back.
  9. come back!
  10. hi girl!
    it's shaman's birthday tomorrow!
    here's the link to his birthday thread:

  11. Just for you! LOL!!!
  12. the flu is a pain in the upper arm!
  13. i missed you too!
    so glad to see you back.
    i'm here for you!!!
  14. you are one of the ones I really missed - thanks gf
  15. welcome back, sista!
  16. happy thanksgiving!
  17. I had a bad week with a bit of a scare. Change in antibiotics and I am feeling pretty good today.
    good to be back and feel almost human.
  18. thanks for the friend invite. now we can officially gossip.
  19. I did have a terrific time in Quebec. It went by so fast.
    Are you keeping well?
  20. I'm heading off to Quebec for about a week with the girls. Take care of all the SC people on here and we'll catch up soon.
  21. Hi HG.
    It's looking dark out there this morning. I hope you have a great day!
  22. have one of those good days today.
  23. hello there heartgirl99
  24. Saying hi cause I have no more power and can't leave rep??????
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 24 of 24