Conversation Between heartgirl99 and Seleena_K

9 Visitor Messages

  1. chickies!! hope you had a great holiday!
  2. ooooooh thank you so much! It's wonderful of you to do this for him because we always look to him to tell us about birthdays. And he certainly wouldn't tell us about this one *giggling*

    Thank you HG
  3. hi girl!
    it's shaman's birthday tomorrow!
    here's the link to his birthday thread:
  4. While thinking about Pete and Geets I remembered Humble and Fred. Remember them too? I think they were a close 2nd in the funny scale! Their show had that really funny jingle that went like this:

    In typical female jingle singer voices

    Humble and Fred! .. should be garbage men instead!

    Memories of fun times listening to The Spirit of Radio
  5. thank you. I've been lurking here for ages but am just now learning that there's so much more happening than what those lurking can see. Very cool!
  6. happy to meet you!
    hope you like it here.
  7. aww .. thank you so much heartgirl. I'm honoured to be your friend. I sent a friend request back, although I'm not sure if that's necessary (newbie jitters .. hehe)
  8. hey seleena! glad to find someone else who remembers pete and geets!
    sent you a friend request... will you be my friend?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9