Conversation Between itsjustmebub and Chers1

10 Visitor Messages

  1. very good.. have a good one
  2. heyo
    thanks but i am not really collecting them any longer... we got all the things we wanted!
  3. I have about 30 (5) lunch mate bucks ...I dont' know anything about this trading stuff..but I can snail mail them your way if you would like.. they are without the expire date so they are only good until the end of june I believe. My sister was saving up for the ps3 and got it today..good for her =)
  4. oh don't worry at all!
    thanks for the rep
  5. HI.. I noticed you were looking for lunchmate bucks.. my sister has a bunch that will be expireing by the end of june as the new ones coming out have and expiration date of June 2011. How many did you need before the end of this school year and I will see if she has any spare
  6. sure thing, can you send me the link?
  7. just curious.. as it was you that unexpired our group last time.. we seem to have 3 expired again.. silly kids.. can you help us out..yet again? Thanks so much
  8. LOL anytime, anytime
  9. thanks for unexpiring our thread... yet again... I think we would go through withdrawl if it was gone
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10