Conversation Between Littlemoe0 and froggiestyle

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks fopr the rep boost froggie, have a great Saturday, Moe.
  2. Thank you for the rep, and may today be the first of many great ones of your new year, Moe.
  3. Hiya moe, thanks for the msg! Hope you had a great monday!
  4. Morning froggie, glad ya got a chuckle, and thank you for the rep. Have a great Monday, Moe.
  5. Thank you!
    .....change that mood from sad! its wednesday, half way through the week :D
    Hope you have a great day!
  6. Thank you for the rep, and keep on posting, I love reading your threads and posts.
  7. Hi there, sad but true, people do call about dead deer, and unless it just was hit, it's no good to eat, but he will also go and track it in case it is suffering somewhere, you know broken legs, and then put it out of it's misery. I don't care much for venison, but the first year I was off work with my oldest daughter, times were tough and we always had food on the table. Take care, Moe.
  8. thanks, im alright have a great day!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8