lolcat ... yeap I'd love more in ... [email protected]hkskekes
Dashies are extremely loyal to their masters and their territory. Although very few I've met are nasty little darlings! lol I used to tell perspective buyers that if you want to have the rule over a dachsie, the dachsie has to think that they are getting their way. Like kids, better use a little psychology on them! lol
She's a standard (size) long hair (type) dachshund (breed) We used to breed them. Her mother was an excellent hunter of mice and she taught the pups to be just as good! Dachsunds are hunters. In old times, wild boar, deer, badgers ...if its bigger than 'em its fair game! lol
ROFL she's a dog! but good none the less!
Oh Thanks Lolcat! I just love kids!