Conversation Between mamasavesmoola and FallenPixels

8 Visitor Messages

  1. the code of ethics has been brought up many times but its not something they want to do
  2. I just think there should be a code of ethics that we promote on this site. To ignore blatant and proud brags about fraudulent activity is shameful. It puts us all at risk - and I can't afford to loose the priviledge of couponing. It's so very sad that you would be singled out for promoting lawful use of a coupon.
  3. yeah, I am sure I will get another PM about berating members about it but whatever, get over yourselves. Its the same people who post unbrags about cashiers too, well no wonder!
  4. Ah - thank you again. I can't rep you, otherwise I CERTAINLY would! WHOOOO HOOOOO.
  5. AAAAHHHH just a quick HI to say, thank you for the contest and the lovely french coupons! It was a gi-normous pile of great coupons. You are a great member and I certainly appreciate the time and effort you put into this site (thinking SB forum input here as well). Thank you so very much!
  6. i've had no luck with my mailman - he seems to dislike my constant watchful eye. Well, maybe not, but I wish he would deliver some of my mail - its been too long on some of these packages and I have a bad feeling...
  7. The expiry is December, I will see if I can grab a few when I am at the train station - its hard to get lots because they are magazine ones, my local train station had none yesterday because someone took all of the mags from the rack so they watch now and I can only take a few at a time
  8. I'm looking for about 30 - based on the expiry date and his rate of consumption!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8