Thanks I got the coupons not till Dec 29 so the cat ones won't work for me.Xmas mail and the holiday probably slowed things down.I believe I was to send stamps to you so let me know your address and I will drop them in the mail on Monday.Thanks florists26
I would like the febreze forms,dove and the cat ones that expire 27,29,29 as I will be going to Brandon on boxing day and that will be the only day I will get in for the year ends. My address is Valerie Outhwaite 414 Broadway St ,Glenboro,Manitoba R0K0X0 What coupons arre you looking for ?/ Let me know. Thanks
Do you still have frebeeze rebate forms,$1 off Dove pro plane cat food,kleenex facilaltissue 2x.75 I'm in Manitoba so i could get coupons quickly.What items /coupons are you after. Talk to you soon Florist26