Conversation Between mizzsazzyazz and Mmmme...

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. What had Kim done to piss you off? he is making me annoyed not finishing the cash grab .. even though I am sleeping when he does it.. but I heard it thurs lol
  2. You are alwasy kind and nice to everyone.... and I thoght I would let ou know how I felt about it!
  3. Thanks . not sure what I did for that ..
  4. You are very special. You are caring and thoughtful and I appreiate it and you greatly!
    Thank you for the rep today.. and I hope the rest of your week is good to you!
  5. Thanks for the 2 reps last night or early am....Hope your weekend is comfy!
  6. Thanks for the rep you shared with me... and yes the weekend was a good one! Hope yours was too!
  7. Thank you very much.. for the rep...
    I was going to sign off.... but noticed the rep... Have a good weekend....
  8. Thanks for the 2 reps.....
    You didn't do anything.... I responded to your post about the bullwhip..
    and of course was in a hurry and got myself in a pickle... lol which I corrected right away.... it was all in good fun!
  9. Happy Halloween my friend! I hope you had fun today!
  10. Hoping you are enjoying the long weekend and your Thanksgiving was something very special...

    Thanks for the rep you gave me!
  11. Yes the weekend is just about here and not one day too soon!
    Thanks for th rep, and I hope you have a good weekend! Have any plans?
    For one we are staying put sort of.... We have a party, however it is once of our neighbours.... I will see you later....
  12. lol... after all these months, I still can't guess with the rep stuff.... I do appreciate them though! Have a fun week!
  13. I just go thru and click names. even if I have already given you reps .. and sometimes it lets me do them twice .. now sure why
  14. Thank you for the rep earlier..... I have a question.... How are you getting me twice?
    Do you mean with a rep?
    I hope you were out and about enjoying the great outdoors today!
  15. Thank you for thr reps x2! I appreciate them greatly! I hoope you are doing well!r me and it will helpkeep me on the straight and narrow! Enjoy your week!
  16. Thank you for the rep! Yes I need my weekend! So much to do. Hope yours is a good one too!
  17. 2 weeks from today I will finally have my vacation! Nove Scotia here I come!!!
    I secured someone to come and feed and water my cats and my plants..., so this weekend making sure all my crap is in good repair to bring along.. Any plans for the weekend? Have you any specific plans for the weekend?
  18. Yes it is a happy hump day and one step closer to the long weekend! I still have 1 month before my vacation.... OH well!
    Thanks for the rep!
  19. Thanks for the rep my friend. You know I still smile when I see your furry kids' pictures.... so peaceful.....
    I hope you have a delightful weekend, rain or shine!
  20. It has been a busy week. Thank you for repping me! I will rep when I am able... enjoy the beautiful weekend!
  21. You are welcome, though you've no need to thank me! You and your family need all the support you can absorb. If there is anything, I am here!
  22. Thank you for stopping by. You know you are allowed to be busy... that's life!

    have a good night and a great weekend! Until next time
  23. Happy Tuesday to you too! Only 3 more days..... !!!
  24. Thank you for the rep last evening and you are most welcome for the ones I gave you! I hope you have a happy Mother's Day

  25. I am whipped. Thanks for the rep, and I tried you earlier,l but was told to spread my reps around...
  26. I just tried repping you again and was told no Hopefully in the am I will be able to! Thanks for the rep, and you do not look at men? Really?
    Have a quick and easy night!
  27. Yes my friend you did get me twice.... and funny enough I tried to rep you last night and was told to rep others first
    Enjoy the beautiful day!!!
  28. Yes and we will win BIG!!! We must! We deserve it!
  29. I am sure you are a bit more particular... Old enough and oi the male be careful in here....some real creepy... who pass themselves off as... I won't go there in a public area! I hope you have an easy night at work and tomorrow during the day. Have a blast at your bowling banquet!
  30. Thank you so much! I hope to sleep like your pets!
    Have a good night my friend!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 30 of 45
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