Conversation Between momofkali and truckerofbc

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey! Just been crazy busy. Don't get online much once I went back to work. How is everyone??
  2. Hello, havent seen you around since July, you still here lurking somewhere?
  3. Hey Long time no hear from you. When was the last time you went to the group? I went on Saturday. have a new Facebook Page too.
  4. Crazy busy with work and back to school but I will see you tomorrow if you're there!
  5. Kinda missing you...our chats I meant
  6. Hey sorry during the week just hasn't been doable for me with work and transit.

    I should def be at the next meeting and will have to think up an awesome dish for the potluck.
  7. where ya been there gal?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7