Conversation Between ninna and Andit

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Yup. I'm done with all the beets. Thank goodness. It was a lot of work and I'm still deciding whether it was worth it. lol. Every 10 pound bag was a 4-hour investment of my time. hehe. But I admit- I am enjoying the eating of them so it's all good. Have a great weekend!
  2. Yep, my crazy Lily dog LOVES beets. She's been eating the peels as I'm going along cooking the darn things. And why is it that it takes so darn long to pickle the beets and so little time to consume them???

    And you finished pickling 50lbs' worth??? You have my admiration (I'm struggling with 1x 10lb bag!).

    Too bad I can't teach the dog to cook, then again, my fridge would be empty.

    Hope all is well.
  3. Started with 60 lbs. I pickled & canned 30 pounds; I boiled, sliced & froze 20 lbs. That leaves me one 10 lb. bag which is about half full and we've been nibbling at. I'm amazed/complimented/ depressed all at the same time at how fast those pickled beets are going. Amazed and complimented because I was worried they'd taste bad and the fact that everyone is gobbling them is testament to the fact that thankfully they don't (lol). Depressed because it took SO long from start to finish to can those bad boys. Every 10 lbs was a 4-hour investment of my time to produce 10 jars (500ml) and it's not taking them 4 hours to eat a jar. More like 30 seconds.

    Mostly I wonder just how my mother did it. She was an avid canner when I was little. She made a multitude of different jams, canned peaches and pears and applesauce as well as beets and pickles. I have a new found respect for her after seeing just HOW much work it is to can stuff.

    Your dog likes beets??!!
  4. Yes, it does seem like a never ending supply of the darn beets. Good thing 2 of us love them (the cat is not a fan, go figure).

    I'm just grateful the dog doesn't like them raw, or my whole condo would look like a scene out of CSI.

    How many beets do you have left to deal with? Or dare I ask?
  5. The problem is that Quincy cat knows he`s cute and uses it to get his way.
  6. I know what you mean. I keep asking my brats just who owns who.
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