Conversation Between prairiebelle and kaela

24 Visitor Messages

  1. good morning belle
  2. have a good weekend belle
  3. hi belle
  4. happy valentines day
  5. thank you for the rep kaela. Hope all is well with you.
  6. just dropping in say quick hello
  7. oh the cat sounds sweet. tumble bees is hard ,it seems like you have your hands full right now with the latest addition. thanks for helping out . i started another one that will take awhile then i will try again. you may get a pm with cry faces all over it lol. take care and have a good day
  8. belle what are you doing tonight
  9. morning belle
  10. congrats. let me know how ww works might consider it myself.
  11. haven't heard from you checking in. take care
  12. morning
  13. hi belle, how are you today? enjoy your week
  14. i hope you are enjoying your weekend.
  15. good morning belle. how are you today? your children have been home for 4 days i guess. thats how long they been here. are you going to the parade in your area this morning? i am going to skip this year, i am going to visit a friend.
  16. hello belle, how are you?
  17. happy halloween
  18. good morning, enjoy your day
  19. you know you can.
  20. thanks, have a good day.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 24 of 24