Conversation Between Sally888 and bob101

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello Sally

    it is me again, i have a suggestion can you write a post like the survey list on the top of the forum i speak about a real scam paid survey list so we can give good information to your members. You can find forum just about scam so why not. and you have good proof....those panel will be banner(post)....the advantage for the forum:the general population for them the forum will seem more serious and more legitimate also when people will make a search on google with the word scam they will go to this forum so more hits and more money for the owners....
  2. Hi there, I removed the signature, since you pointed it out. Thanks
  3. hello Sally it is me again, in my post i try to to give good information about paid surveys but i am tire of the MobScene he thinks this forum is to promote his links......can you do something about this too i promote my links but i think this go to far....
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3