Conversation Between Sally888 and Mmmme...

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Halloween Sally! I hope you had a fun day!!
  2. How are you my friend? It sure has been a while. I hope this finds you well
    and enjoying the long weekend!
    Enjoy a happy Thanksgiving!

  3. LIke I almost believe that silly you!
  4. Dont let me fool you im a mean ol grizzly bear of a wench
  5. Thk you Sally... You are one of the most patient people I have met around here...
  6. No I havent posted any but if you search black eyed peas in the tea room theres a story about a light cover falling on me there hahahahahh
  7. I am envious of you! I tried to win tickets.. lolas I do on Q, so far I have won a huge 0. I shall not give up! Did you take pics?If so have you posted any? Thanks for responding so quickly!
  8. Hi, The BEP concert was great! They were amazing live and so was Jaon Derulo!
  9. I am not grumpy because you had all the4 strawberries... I am allergic to them...
    I like your new colours.... very refreshing.... reminds me of
    Thank you for repping me!
    How are thing with you my friend? Keeping busy and out trouble? But of course you are!!! Will catch you later..TTFN !!!!!
  10. Thanks for the info... Are you a night owl like trucks? She and I chatted one night and laughed at ourselves... Sleep tight my friend
  11. I *think* theres a quirk with the friends system, there has a few people dissapear off my list then they asked why I deleted them but I never did. So its quite possible we were friends before
    U should be close to a pink star
    Good night!
  12. I am not familiar with Sarnia, however a friend back on the that location and he sees but mostly hears all the concerts... Again, one day!
  13. Thank you very much fro the friendship request. For some reason I thought I had asked you previously and were amongst my friends!
    I am jealous of your pink heart... one day.... I will get mine!
    Sweet dreams
  14. Ya BEP is in Sarnia too but I already got tickets for Toronto, I am thinking the Tdot show will be a lot better then Bayfest....
  15. I had no idea she was coming. I heard the bep will be in Sarnia? It will be neat to see how they play their latest song live. You must tell me about it!
  16. I would loves to go see GAGA but its soooo close to the bep concert I cant swing it. If I lived closer I could.
  17. You are a busy young lady!!! Good for you! I just got an email from ticketmaster about Lady GaGa playing in Toronto...I would like to go , but $$$$$$$$$
    Have fun at the theater!
  18. Its ok, I knew something happened to Chucky. No im not going to see them, I have spent enough money lately lol! But I did go see as you like it the play and next week I go see kiss me kate at the stratford festival theatre, lots of fun, got the tix for 5 bucks!
  19. It is on Sunday night twice and last night too. I thought for sure you had seen it.. sorry if I wrecked it for you! Are you going to see Bad Company? I was going to get tickets yesterday and someone in my family told me they can gt them for free.Suddenly today they can't get the tickets.... oh well! Have a good evening! I'll catch you later
  20. EEP! I totally missed it last night, we worked on the gardens until almost 10pm! Ill have to dl it!
  21. Incredible! If you remember great! If not no worries!
    Have a good night!
  22. yeppers will for sure. Were one section on the side from the stage :D but its not until July so ill try to remember to tell you!
  23. WOW! I bet you got great seats too!
    If you think of it, can you tell me about it when you return?
    Thanks Sally!
  24. Heya, yep got tickets in the presale. Im so excited!
  25. Hey Sally! Thanks for the rep! Did you ever get tickets yet for the BEP?
    When I look at the pics you have posted below of Mr Bass.... I wonder what I would look like with my makeup done for me...
    and my hair and clothing too? See you later!
  26. Really? East or West?
    Actually do not answer in here
  27. Lol! Im 2.5 hours from Toronto, I just really want to see them.
  28. Sometimes I wonder about myself... Maybe because w live outside the GTA that I don't know what is going on... and then I go for tickets and they are lousy...
    Thanks for the info Sally
  29. Oh I get weekly newsletters of what bands are coming here.
    there playing 2 dates in july at the acc
  30. No worries with me. I always liked Cary Grant and he had been dead a long while! My other fav growing up passed away in the last 10 years. I like the other guys on the show.. my 15 year old wonder why mom watches her show... lol
    Have a great night!
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