Conversation Between Sally888 and Woofy

10 Visitor Messages

  1. im ok, havent been on much
  2. Thanks! How are you doing? Haven't seen you in the Post Anything thread! Or is it me who hasn't been on that thread much?
  3. Super cute pic above. Love the hair!
  4. Good advice... I sure don't want to be pushing for 4 hours!

    Okay... I will relax then... no more crossing of fingers and toes...
  5. you know what though.

    Forget about it. Sheit happens.

    If you worry about that the delivery will take so much longer. My first one I was terrified i was going to do that and i spent 4 hours in the pushing stage.
    my second i was like oh man i just dont care get the baby out, 20 min of pushing and he was there, and no I didnt "do that"

    so dont even worry about it!
  6. It was a great laugh though...

    Tell you a secret... I have been praying, hoping, crossing my fingers and toes that I can be spared of the embarassment of labour poop ever since the chat in the Tea room!!!!!

  7. Lol I figured youd say that :D
  8. Ewww... Now I wish I didn't ask what the runs are... Ewwwww!
  9. oh ok that makes more sense then because my counter never said that stuff! The runs is the poops.... ie running to the bathroom constantly with the poops hhahahah
  10. Merry Christmas to you too!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10