Awesome! Thanks again! looking forward to the next trade!
hi got my coupons today..excellent trade thats again!!!!
ok thanks alot i will let you know when i collect more.ill sent the envelope today
Cheers K.
i have $6.75 in Canadian tire money all ready to be sent just let me know if you want it priority post so you will get it fast and let me know how you are sending mine.thanks.if you have nay other coupons you would like to get rid of pass them along to me thanks(what ever you think the extra .75 is worth.
Hi There I sent you a Private message as well, but thought I would reply to this one too... I have 8 x $1 off any Lever 2000 product, as well as 1 x $1 off any Ultra Clorox. I see both of these are on the list you are looking for...Let me know what else you would like for the $3.20 in Canadian Tire Money and I am sure we can work out something!
hi i have $3.20 incanadian tire money if you were interested in a many coupons could i pick for this amout of money.Thanks