Conversation Between waynethegolfer and Littlemoe0

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the rep wayne, and cheers to a great week, Moe.
  2. Good Morning Wayne, thanks for the rpe and Cheers right back at ya!
  3. Thanks Wayne for the rep boost, have a great Sunday, Moe.
  4. Thank you for the rep Wayne, and cheers to a great upcoming weekend!
  5. Thank you for the rep boost, have a great weekend.
  6. Thanks for the rep boost, have a grand weekend,. Moe.
  7. Thank you for the rep boost wayne, and you have a great day, so far we have sun!
  8. Thank you for the rep boost Wayne, and you have a great day!
  9. Thanks wayne, glad to be going back to work, my kids are starting to drive me crazy,lol. Take care, Moe.
  10. Thanks for the rep wayne, hope you had a nice Valentine's day too.
  11. Thanks for the rep, it's nice to see it back.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11