I am envious. I would love to go away.... Just got a wag jag trip offer to D.R. with airfare and hotel all inclusive 419. Will look into it a little further. Have a wonderful time....
Resort is called Royal Bahia Principal...Akumal....been there before and we loved it!!!
Thanks so much for the rep.... It is always good to hear from you!
Happy Halloween! I hope you had a fun day!
Happiness to you on Thanksgiving!
How are you? I hope you are able to enjoy the beautiful outdoors today! Thank you very much for the rep this am!
Thank you for the rep on Wednesday. Have been so busy with work, I am sorry it took me a bit to thank you for the rep. Have yourself a good weekend! I am off to Mtl!
It is supposed to be warm this week.... and really hot 1 day. Do you ever take vacations in the winter? You could always head south then!
yes ty,,,had a nice day ,,,, but I do miss the hot weather,,,I love that stuff,,,, oh well next summer it will return again :o)
Thank you kind sir! I appreciate the rep! Did you enjoy the beautiful day? Have a great week!
Thanks for repping me! I hope you have fun this weekend. Somehow for me with the change in temperature from last week around the 40s to this weeks, I feel like I have to rake leaves... Actually none have fallen yet....
Thank you for the rep earlier! I wish you success at winning tickets, and the you can take me with you!
Thank you for the rep and happy belated Birthday. I hope you had a great time!
Thank you for visiting and the rep! Have you been away on vacation? Haven't seen you post lately! I hope you are enjoying yourself! I hope to see you soon! TTFN
Thank you for the rep!
Thank you for the rep yesterday! I wasn't around much and more than likely not for a bit. Work is keeping me out of trouble! I just noticed your blue heart above your stars. Was that a gift or how did it come about?
Thanks for repping me! Did you enjoy your weekend? I could live with out the humidity, and other than that I loved the weekend! See you later!
Thank you for the rep my friend! I hope you had an excellent weekend!
Thank you for passing by and leaving me a rep! thank you! The weekend is almost upon us!
Thank you for repping me! Are you ready for the Easter long weekend? It is to be exceptional!
Thank you for dropping by with a rep today! I really appreciate it! I hope your weekend is delicious! Catch you later!
I am giving you a belated St Paddy's day thanks for your your rep! Cool and gray day here, so an excuse to do my cleaning today. I knew you would be thrilled to hear about it... Hope you are enjoying the day!
Are you all ready for St Patty's day? I will give you my beer as I am not a fan of it... not since university! Thanks for the rep!
Well look who repped me this afternoon! Thank you friend! I am in jail lol.As soon as I am out I rep and boom, I am put back in. Sat evening is a time for relaxing! Enjoy yours!
Thank you for the rep yesterday Wulfman! I know I am late in thanking you, however I didn't forget@ Hope you are enjoying the puddles!
I am happy I was able to help you out. Some things here are not straight forward. Idf you have other questions, just ask! ;0)
nicky nicky 9 doors right ? lol .........oh thats how this thing works lol....thanxs fur the info on that...I'll know next time. back to repping fur me :o)
Again you visited me,. but left no calling card.... like ringing the bell at a house and running away!! lol thanks for the rep! I just noticed your response on Feb 22nd. Was it mean for me? Had you not repped me I wouldn't have seen it! To respond to a comment from anyone, click on the view conversation underneath the comment and it will take you to a new window to respond to that person's comment. The response in my case would sit in my visitor messages and I would have responded to you that same day! Your Prank calls.... were they food related or just hang up when someone answered?
You came by, but no comment from you! Thank you for the rep. I will look forward to your next rep... and you may surprise me.
Thanks once again. Did you ever make prank phones calls as a kid?