Just wondering if any other SC members have experience with these. I have had mine installed now for two months and its been a real eye opener for driving.

I do also think its kind of flawed because its only based on the time of day/night you drive, hard breaking and rapid acceleration. If you don't do any of those then that makes you an "exceptional" driver which I highly disagree with. Just because you don't hard break or accelerate rapidly does not mean you are a good driver at all.

Other things I do not like is the fact that where you are driving is not taken into account. I live in a busy city and thus have to deal with idiot drivers which has caused some hard breaking. One could argue that I was falling too closely but thats up for discussion when one is going 80km/h, is a few car lengths back but the idiot in front all of a sudden just hammers on the breaks for no reason.

So have you used one of these? How long did you have to keep it plugged in for? What was your discount at the end?

P.S. I refer to mine as my cars ankle bracelet.