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  • 7 Post By cyn88canada

Thread: Food Basics (Version 3, ON, select locations) August 3 - 9

  1. #1
    Smart Canuck
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    Expired on: Thu, Aug 10th, 2023
    Arrrrrgh, we are into August...! Seriously, I blink and I've lost a week...blink twice, and I've lost my marbles...meh.

    All stores open Monday! (Unless you're Metro? Hmm). Flyer is skimpier than usual. Check the digital flyer which will come out, probably tomorrow, on SC flyers section!

    ...and, I will just say...the last time I was in Aigoo, (Weston/401), the chicken wings were STILL $0.99/lb! (Cut, no tips)

    Next: Metro, FreshCo, Canadian Tire, Walmart, maybe some more Aigoo promotion just because I! ;-)
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    This thread is currently associated with: Canadian Tire, Food Basics, FreshCo, Metro, Walmart
    Want to buy me a coffee? You can! But, you don't have to! In fact, I encourage you not to. ('Cuz postage is ridiculous). But, if you insist on it...well, you can drop a buck, or two, here: I emphasize, you do NOT have to -- a coffee icon tossed my way is gold. + =
    Illegitimi non carborundum!!

  2. #2
    Smart Canuck Ciel21's Avatar
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    If there are Dove Men+Care bodywash fans, Walmart now has the $3.88 pricing until Wed and Sobeys has $3.99 pricing, in case you need product TODAY or TOMORROW.

    Ooh 99cent chocolate bars...
    "This is the Way." The Mandalorian

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