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  1. #16
    Smart Canuck jaba's Avatar
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    in the Ghetto of Richmond...apparently :rolleyes:
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    lol why is this in the freebies section
    :pottytrain2: :pottytrain2: :pottytrain2:

  2. #17
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    OK, I have to weigh in on this issue. I am a sahm of 2 boys. In considering daycare, just remember that at a centre, there are a lot of people around to monitor each other, there are rules and regulations for the employees. In someone's home, there is no one around checking up on what is going on or what they are doing. I'm not saying that dayhome is bad- my sister has one and her kids are extremely lucky to have her as their care provider. I know lots of people who do dayhome and are great. But I also see some dayhome provider's at the park, the zoo, etc. and I would not like my children to be in their care. Just my opinion-

  3. #18
    Senior Canuck karalin9's Avatar
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    I just got back from a playdate with my future daycare provider and her daughter, and I have even better news... She has decided to go through the registered home daycare center. I will have to go through them now as well, and pay the center directly (only for 6 months, then I'm allowed to go private with her) but because we already had a deal, she's going to reimburse me the difference. This is awesome... I have the security of her being registered, and monitored, but the price and flexibility of a private daycare.

    All this, and she's so nice! I'm starting to feel a bit more comfortable about going back to work.
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  4. #19
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    Thankfully I was able to stay home with my son who will soon turn 4, and I am still at home with my 3 mo old daughter - however , when he turned 2, we decided to put our son into a daycare program to help with his independence and socialization skills. We opted for a private preschool here in Ottawa - best choice we could have made as he is so well prepared to JK this fall - I believe if he had stayed home with me or was in a private home daycare he would not have developed the skills he has - he can write sentences with a properly held pencil!! I will definitely put my daughter into the same preschool when I do return to work next spring.

  5. #20
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    I can only speak from my oldest son's experience. When he was five months, i placed him in daycare as i had to return to work. Back then, we only had 6 months mat leave. They had a nutritionist who cooked for them, they hugged and kissed my son like I did. They had interactive rooms, addressed all negative behaviour in other children and mine in a kind and loving manner. they particiapted in developmental excersizes and outdoor activities every day. I adored these women and although it hurt me, I understood why my son called one of them mama before he called me mama. It was highly regulated, great teachers, good security and they truly cared about the kids. When he was 2 and a half we moved and had to place him in another daycare. they are a chain and there were too many kids to the teachers. At 2 and a half I was having parent teacher meetings because my son wasn't keeping up with the circulum and they would have to hold him back so he had to try harder (WTH!!!, he was 2.5). Anyway, we took him out and put him with a homecare giver. the first couple of years it was fine until our son who by then was 5 and in SK told us that she yelled at him and twisted his ear if he didn't answer her right away. He also said that one of the other kids had been touching his privates. when confronted, she absolutely denied it of course. We also learned that it wasn't actually her watching the kids all the time it was another neighbour of her, whom we didn't know and her husband. When I think of the risks involved with the few who don't take child care seriously, it makes me very afraid. Looking back, I'd rather pay the 200/week and be vigiliant about which daycare I chose. it's always a risk though.

  6. #21
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    I've been there.... I chose to return to work too...because I have a good stable job and I would be hard pressed to get into this management position again if I left. I had #1 in a home based daycare and we were happy at first but over time the caregiver got complacent and as he learned to verbalize, more concern was expressed by us to her. So I pulled him part time to a formal daycare on a flex schedule while he was still there and when the dreaded day came where I terminated her, the backup was already in place and he was easily adjusted. We had another home based caregiver for #2 who we liked, but she had her own regimented schedule and other families to consider and it became upsetting again, so at the contract's end I put #2 back into the same preschool as used prior and we loved it there for both the kids. But, a preschool starts at age 2. The preschool has reduced their hours (8-4) so we are, once again using an area home caregiver for 1 or 2 days every other week (JK schedule and flex shifts) and I am thankful soon we will only have the after school program for both our kids. The LCC (before/after school program) is excellent, and we also highly recommend the preschool route as it is peace of mind although VERY costly. The peace of mind is soooo worth it.

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