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  1. #136
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BookMom View Post
    Hi bub!

    Here are my questions for you - hope it isn't too late!

    What was the most unusual food you have ever tried? Oh I ate an assortment of disgusting things as a child like brain and eyeballs - my Arabic grandfather considered these things a delicacy

    If you ever wrote a book, what would it be about? Who would you dedicate it to? Hmm ... maybe I would write a book of little post-it note tips for my boys about love and life

    If you were given a magic wand that could be used repeatedly for one spell, which spell would you choose for it to be able to do? make people instantly start dancing a jig. Definitely

    Would you rather be by the water or in a forest? the forest scares me a bit i think it's so dark in there!!! so i guess by the water

    What was the best advice anyone ever gave to you? to trust my instincts
    sorry so late! lol

  2. #137
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish_DeLight View Post
    here are more questions and just to make it more fun please tell us why you picked your answers :D muahaha!
    cleaning the house or working in the garden? cleaning the house for sure because i do not enjoy the outdoors in general or gardening... blech!
    watermelon or cantaloupes? watermelon because cantaloupes are seriously overrated
    msn, facebook or twitter? facebook because i waste insane amounts of time on there
    werewolf or vampire? ummmmm vampires because hello Edward is the man of every girls dreams!
    plane or train? Plane because a train would take foever!
    laptop or desktop? Laptop because i am a sloth and like to throw myself on the couch and a laptop can come with me!
    watching a movie at home or going to the theater? both/ depends on the situation. if it's something i really want to see then theatre, but if it's something i don't care much about then definitely at home because i LOVE to sleep through movies. there's a random bub factoid for ya!
    does age matter or is it just a number? it's absolutely just a number
    if you were financially well set would you hire a maid or would you rather not? YES!!
    what is your DHs most annoying habit? and how do you deal with it? where would you like me to start? He's not a talker. He'd probably be perfectly content to not speak for weeks and i am a huuuuuuge talker so .... yupyup
    being a home maker or go to work? work. I get stir crazy at home. Part time would be ideal

    ok im done (:
    thanks lady!

  3. #138
    Canadian Genius madchives's Avatar
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    sorry if i missed the answer,
    sara or tegan, well since you have a girl crush,
    thought i'd ask.
    i do like when they do interviews - surprising or not
    how much they like being away from them selves.

    if you have some spare time

  4. #139
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    Tegan all the way!
    But I do have a huge soft spot in my heart for Sara

  5. #140
    Smart Canuck BookMom's Avatar
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    Thanks for your answers!! So fun to read through them!

  6. #141
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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