If anyone is interested in joining me we're heading out to west ed, just going to the kids play place inside galaxt land ($6/kid to go in) I'll prob be sitting in the corner by the toddler play part with my coupons
I'll be on the look out incase anyone comes, we'll be there in about an hour til prob 5 or so.
I'll be bringing my coupons, remember we have 1 more day til the 31st ones expire and I have a few extras, also have swiffer $4.99 coupons and I found an extra smart source.

Hope to see someone there!
Chuck e cheese was awesome yesterday, so much fun to see the kids running around. Not sure what I'm wearing yet, but my boy will prob be in the ball pit in the toddler section and I'll either have my coupons or my phone/camera in my hands lol. No sence in lookig for my girl or my neice, they'll be running around like crazies.