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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilikefree View Post
    I'm confused ... if you aren't allowed to photocopy the coupons, why are coupons in pdf format posted in the file above? IMO, it is no different than printing them off one by one and doing this 10 times. Am I missing what the big no no is here?

    I used several of the Finish coupons and not 1 WM asked me to fill in my name. In the original coupon offer it may have requested this but the pdf did not.
    Well... here is the thing, when I tried to go to the site to get a Finish coupon it did not allow me to as the coupons were no longer available. This means they had exhausted whatever amount of coupons they had "bugeted for". Now the coupon itself was made available if you went to their website, watched a video (if I remember correctly) and entered your information, so let's just say, that they had 1000 coupons available, and people who took it upon themselves to photocopy and pass them around or make a PDF of said coupon (also known as counterfeit the coupon) cashed them in... when Walmart and other retailers start sending these coupons in for their money back (which they GAVE you) and the manufacture says... "Well wait a minute, we only had 1000 coupons, how did we receive 5000 coupons from retailers to refund" Guess what happens...

    That manufacturer will not put out cupons anymore, and will only pay retailers for lets say any coupons with names on them that are not duplicated... and retailers will say well what the heck... we gave these consumers that money... so lets change our policy because it is obvious someone is abusing the system.

    Think of it as you wrote me a check for 6 bucks and I make photocopies and go to the bank and the bank cashes them out of your account... would you be happy?

  2. #32
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    Okay... I'm going to put in my 2 cents...

    When it comes to regular coupons, I don't have a big problem with what they are doing, because like someone mentioned before - THEY are keeping the extra money instead of giving it to us (who deserve it). Because we all know that if a coupon is of lower value and they "adjust it", they NEVER write this on the coupon - so the manufacturer doesn't know, and ends up giving Walmart the extra money.

    "Technically" they should be writing the adjusted value on the coupon since the manufacturer is paying for other items in your basket... but how much really? A couple cents? Big deal...


    When it comes to FPCs they are committing fraud. How can they justify selling an item for $1 (icecream cones for example) and writing on the coupon that they sold it for $5, because that's what the "max value" is....???????? That's fraud. They are PURPOSELY lying for customers, because they want to get the customers to use the coupons in their stores instead of other stores.

    You are selling an item for "x" amount of dollars, and yet telling the manufacturer that you sold it for "y" amount of dollars.

    It's not going to take long for the manufacturer to catch up on this. And you know what they will do? One option is to lower the "max value" amount, so that it doesn't even cover the whole cost depending on where you shop. OR, they could not put a max value and risk paying out a little bit extra to more expensive stores.

    Or......... they could start a legal battle with Walmart, and that part of the new policy could end prettttttttty quickly I would think...
    Last edited by miss__brittany; Sat, Apr 23rd, 2011 at 01:44 AM.

    The only thing better than saving money is VOLLEYBALL!!!

  3. #33
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    I have had a hard time with this policy, usually after 80.00$ in coupons, my daughter starts to get a little fussy...and i don't have the energy to fight for the balance difference. I phoned walmart head office to see if they had trained cashiers on the coupon policy, they said they would have the manager of my local store phone me...nothing yet. I also have been paying tax regularly on FREE items...which is kind of dissapointing when its something as large as diapers. perhaps i will send them an email...

  4. #34
    Smart Canuck dariusz8's Avatar
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    Not sure how some walmart take the fpc's "free up to" as the ones i have been to do not allow it because of the wording. They just input what the selling retail price is and do not give me overage. They however have no problem giving me full value on $X off coupons. I believe all walmarts should like do mine give the overage in GC (instead of $) so you have to spend it at a walmart... makes sense to me.

  5. #35
    Junior Canuck marseille-2007's Avatar
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    I went shopping yesterday at WM and before doing my shopping I went to see the manager. Asked her what their policy was and gave me the write hour and the exact same information I had printed out from this site.

    When time to check out the cashier was very polite and pleasent, the only thing negative was the next people in line. Getting upset puffing, one was so rude that she made a comment to her daughter saying ``thats what you do when your poor`` and my daughter out of the blues replyed with pride ``sorry mam,but if only you would do half of what my mom make with our saving, you would be standing there and judging. Where not poor, where just helping my father to gather money to go on vacation this summer.`` I was so proud of her. In all yesterday I saves 59.75$. So before we came home and stopped at our local Ice cream shop and bought my kids and bought them an slush.
    Can't actually beleive that people are that rude and raise their kids by being prejudes over simple savings.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by marseille-2007 View Post
    I went shopping yesterday at WM and before doing my shopping I went to see the manager. Asked her what their policy was and gave me the write hour and the exact same information I had printed out from this site.

    When time to check out the cashier was very polite and pleasent, the only thing negative was the next people in line. Getting upset puffing, one was so rude that she made a comment to her daughter saying ``thats what you do when your poor`` and my daughter out of the blues replyed with pride ``sorry mam,but if only you would do half of what my mom make with our saving, you would be standing there and judging. Where not poor, where just helping my father to gather money to go on vacation this summer.`` I was so proud of her. In all yesterday I saves 59.75$. So before we came home and stopped at our local Ice cream shop and bought my kids and bought them an slush.
    Can't actually beleive that people are that rude and raise their kids by being prejudes over simple savings.

    Great post!

    It is not the poor people that is the smart people.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by marseille-2007 View Post
    ``thats what you do when your poor``
    IT MAKES ME SOOOOOOOOOOOO MAD WHEN PEOPLE ASSUME THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or when the stupid cashiers making minimum wage have the nerve to give you attitude like they are in a "better" position than you. Please.

    When I go to these grocery stores and have people looking "down" at me I almost laugh now. I don't care if they think I'm "poor", because I know I'm not. I'm walking out of the store and getting into my Lincoln, driving to my waterfront home... But just because I have some nice things, does that mean I'm "too good" to use coupons all of a sudden!??!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY IS!!!!!!

    HOWEVER, it does make me mad for the people who are having financial difficulties. It's hard enough for a lot of people to feed their families, so when they are doing a GOOD JOB by saving as much as they can, do they really need people constantly reminding them that they are not "wealthy"? UGHHHHHHH!!!!!! I've been through those times too!!!!!! (just like almost everyone here)

    BESIDES, the majority of these people who have the nerve to treat others this way ARE FAR FROM WELL OFF!!!!!! People are so stupid sometimes. You don't become financially "rich" by blowing all your money and by paying full price for everything. Are you kidding me???

    Do you think that millionaires became rich from paying full price for their investments? NOOOOOO... They barter with EVERYTHING they buy, only it's not considered being "cheap", because they are dealing with larger amounts of money.


    Sorry about my rant, this just really pisses me off.
    Last edited by miss__brittany; Sat, Apr 23rd, 2011 at 04:13 PM.

    The only thing better than saving money is VOLLEYBALL!!!

  8. #38
    Senior Canuck Trillium15's Avatar
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    does anyone have a link to the new Walmart policy? I wasn't able to find it on their website
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  9. #39
    CaNewbie Newfieguy_2525's Avatar
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    I wanted to know what "One coupon per perchase" ment too.. What I figured it ment was, One coupon per Item, no staking or whatever... SO If i went there with 20 items and 20 coupons, one for each Item, thats aloud is it not?...

    WM's Policy sais "Store Managers reserve the right to limit quantities where multiable coupons were being used for multiable perchases of the same item".. Like that $2 off coupon for the Adidas deoderent. IF i wanted 16 of the deorderent, and I used 16 coupons, one for each Item. Im aloud aint I??

  10. #40
    Super Canuckelhead Bluntbabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss__brittany View Post
    IT MAKES ME SOOOOOOOOOOOO MAD WHEN PEOPLE ASSUME THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or when the stupid cashiers making minimum wage have the nerve to give you attitude like they are in a "better" position than you. Please.

    When I go to these grocery stores and have people looking "down" at me I almost laugh now. I don't care if they think I'm "poor", because I know I'm not. I'm walking out of the store and getting into my Lincoln, driving to my waterfront home... But just because I have some nice things, does that mean I'm "too good" to use coupons all of a sudden!??!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY IS!!!!!!

    HOWEVER, it does make me mad for the people who are having financial difficulties. It's hard enough for a lot of people to feed their families, so when they are doing a GOOD JOB by saving as much as they can, do they really need people constantly reminding them that they are not "wealthy"? UGHHHHHHH!!!!!! I've been through those times too!!!!!! (just like almost everyone here)

    BESIDES, the majority of these people who have the nerve to treat others this way ARE FAR FROM WELL OFF!!!!!! People are so stupid sometimes. You don't become financially "rich" by blowing all your money and by paying full price for everything. Are you kidding me???

    Do you think that millionaires became rich from paying full price for their investments? NOOOOOO... They barter with EVERYTHING they buy, only it's not considered being "cheap", because they are dealing with larger amounts of money.


    Sorry about my rant, this just really pisses me off.
    I agree!! I used over $8000 in coupons last year which I figure just brought my disposable income up actually making me richer! I also got to donate alot of stuff to the shelters and foodbank. Go coupons!

  11. #41
    Rima Dickson Rima Dickson's Avatar
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    I used coupons here in Langley, BC today and got change on my Pringles ... $1.00 coupon used for $0.80 Pringles. I was planning on being even on the deal as they were advertised for $1.00 but they had marked it down in store ... so I thought I would see and they were ready willing and happy to give me change.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newfieguy_2525 View Post
    I wanted to know what "One coupon per perchase" ment too.. What I figured it ment was, One coupon per Item, no staking or whatever... SO If i went there with 20 items and 20 coupons, one for each Item, thats aloud is it not?...

    WM's Policy sais "Store Managers reserve the right to limit quantities where multiable coupons were being used for multiable perchases of the same item".. Like that $2 off coupon for the Adidas deoderent. IF i wanted 16 of the deorderent, and I used 16 coupons, one for each Item. Im aloud aint I??
    Yes, you can use 16 coupons for 16 deodorant, because the coupons aren't B1G1...

    The only thing better than saving money is VOLLEYBALL!!!

  13. #43
    Smart Canuck quebecqueen's Avatar
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    Since I`m the one that wrote the letter to WM president about their original bad policy. I really wanted to give my 2 cents!

    When a store takes a coupon they will receive THAT amount of money. On every coupon it always states " We will reimburse you the FACE VALUE of the coupon PLUS our regular handling fees"..

    Where and when, I want to know, are WE stealing from the store? The store will receive full value for the coupon regardless of the retail price of the item. Plus the Canadian goverment is very clear on this that a coupon is to be treated like cash. It is the LAW. The taxe law, but still the law.

    When you give 5$ to a store and buy a 3$ item you are expecting 2$ back right! Then why would the store keep 2$ off your 5$ coupon when they will be receiving the full 5$ from the manufacturer?

    WM made 405 BILLION in 2010. How much did they make off of "adjusted" coupons?? When I pay retail I give what I owe to the store and I expect the same in return. I want to be paid what i'm owed.

    Has far as people Photocopying coupons go I am on the fence about it. When a coupon is made to be printed once (like the quantumatic ones) I am not for photocopying. It is fraud plain and simple. That coupon was made to be used by ONE person only the same thing goes for yhe Facebook Leancuisine coupons. But as for the right at home coupons I think it's ok to photocopy. Besides photocopying and printing are exactly the same technology. The coupons are available on their website for months and months. Lets think of how many people do not print these. I think that printing multiple (with a certain limit) just balances the scale for the Canadian residents not printing them.

    That was just my two cents (long two cents).. I am not aiming my comments at anybody in particular at all. People make choices everyday and have to live with them. But lets remember that if we use coupons in a wrong way companies will stop making printable coupons available to us. But mostly stores will stop accepting internet coupons because they will be scared of not getting reimbursed.
    Last edited by quebecqueen; Wed, Apr 27th, 2011 at 11:33 AM.
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  14. #44
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    Not sure if posting here is the right place. I emailed Walmart on there coupon policy and this the reply I got.

    "Thank you for contacting us. In regards to your email, at this time, we do not have publicly available guidelines to provide"

    Where can I find there policy?

  15. #45
    Smart Canuck quebecqueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dack06 View Post
    Not sure if posting here is the right place. I emailed Walmart on there coupon policy and this the reply I got.

    "Thank you for contacting us. In regards to your email, at this time, we do not have publicly available guidelines to provide"

    Where can I find there policy?

    Here is the thread I posted re: Walmart Policy.

    Lots of people have been getting the same responce you received. I'm not sure what's going on!!! Let's hope they're not changing their policy again.
    Earn free points, get a chance to win a great contest.. Follow this link it's worth you time I swear

    Or this link as well for Quebec residents..Free GC and more..

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