Hello Everbody,
I need to ask anyone who cares to read this post to help out with voteing. My son and his band have been competeing in the "Battle Of The Bands" this past year. They had made it into the finals and last night the final bands competed against eachother. The whole concert was awsome and of course I was in the front row when my sons' band performed.
YES , I am the groupie mom.
For the next 6 days there is a wild card voting going on and I ask all the SC 's for there vote in helping my son and his band.
Here is how to vote:
go to www.supernova.com
(Battle of the Bands)
first time voting, , you have to register to the site
scroll down to "SAT JUNE 11"" Band on the Run to the UK"
Click "VOTE NOW"
please vote for "ALWAYS ON TOP"
voting is open for the next 6 days and you can vote daily.
I would really appreciate it as I know all the couponers on there have a very big heart.
Thank you for your time and effort for your vote