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Thread: Trader tracking list

  1. #1
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    In light of a member making over 20 trades and not keeping good on them I've made this thread where you can post the name of the novice trader you are waiting on a trade from, this way one person cannot have 20 valuable trades going on without others being informed. Please change your pending to received when you receive the trade.

    This is all I can think of for now to help with the situation.

    ************************************************** ********
    Please click here to check the blacklist before confirming your trades

    Alphabetical list

    Updated to Post #550
    Please post updates (ie: trades received) in a SEPARATE post(don't just update your old one) - makes updating much easier
    Ratings under 15 only
    Trade removed after BOTH sides have received their trade AND feedback has been left

    Please do not list a trade as received until BOTH sides have received their trade AND left feedback.

    Red = over 1 mth
    Orange = close to a month
    Green = received

    User -- Rating -- Sent -- Status -- Trade with

    Past Trades In Limbo

    Jodi Livingston -------- 1 -- Feb-17-12 -- Pending -- Jeniana (REC) (PM sent Mar 11 asking Jodi if she received the trade - no response. She has not been online since Mar 19)

    greenmomma --------- 0 -- Nov-20-11 -- Pending -- Jeniana (REC) (PM sent Dec 27 asking greenmomma if she had received the trade - no response. She has not been online since Dec 8)

    gotmyblkbelt ----- 7 -- Sept-22-11 -- Pending -- nv_jenn(REC)- Feedback has not been left for nv_jenn from gotmyblkbelt

    Broken_angel --- 0 ---- pending --- Agreed on a trade on September 11th and said she would send her end out that day. Still have not received

    SAVINGMOMMA-didn't follow thru on 3 different trades with 3 traders from august-hasn't been on sc since aug

    Negative Feedback due to Trades MIA and No Response to PMs

    cmccarthy ---------- 0 -- June-10-11 -- pending -- momof5boys (left NEG feedback for cmccarthy Oct 21)

    shootingstar --------- 8 -- June-11-11 -- Pending -- grannyg (left NEG feedback for shootingstar Aug 8th)

    alitster --------- 0 -- Sept-10-11 --- Pending -- Jeniana (left NEG feedback for alitster Jan 9th)

    .calliecat. -- 7 -- Feb 9th -- Pending -- MDellen Negative feedback left for .calliecat. (I sent my end on Feb 9th, have not received anything from same province trade)

    .calliecat. ------ 7 ---- Feb. 5th --- Pending---- littlenom - left Neg. FB March 19, no envie ever received here and no response to several PMs, although was logged in at the beginning of March.
    This thread is currently associated with: N/A
    Last edited by coupon girl; Wed, Oct 16th, 2013 at 09:45 PM.

  2. #2
    KK7 is offline
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    great idea!

  3. #3
    Canadian Guru Brandy Hunter's Avatar
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    I should start keeping track of who i'm trading with eh? I'd never know if I got fooled if I had in the past while.
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  4. #4
    Canadian Guru ccmp1974's Avatar
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    Sounds good Sally. I have:
    crankyKidd(0) -July3 -recieved
    Last edited by ccmp1974; Tue, Jul 12th, 2011 at 10:51 AM.
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  5. #5
    KK7 is offline
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    Cocottee00 2 pos trades .....did trade June 4 Received July 5th!!!!!
    Last edited by KK7; Tue, Jul 5th, 2011 at 01:52 PM.

  6. #6
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    Great idea Sally

    My trade rating isn't all that high as just started trading, but since I have been burnt a few times, I think this is great. I have a trade pending with

    Saffron - pending as of June 21st (the date we both mailed the trade) rec'd trade July 5 great trade will do again for sure.
    Last edited by hollyquaiscer; Tue, Jul 5th, 2011 at 09:31 PM.
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  7. #7
    Canadian Genius xox2010's Avatar
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    Great idea! I really need to start keeping track my trades as well.

  8. #8
    Canadian Guru Jeniana's Avatar
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    Last edited by Jeniana; Sun, Nov 20th, 2011 at 11:19 AM.
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  9. #9
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    Waiting a SASE envie from JUSTDOIT2008 (1), trade arranged july 02, 2011
    Last edited by 2010ontest; Wed, Jul 6th, 2011 at 12:13 AM.
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  10. #10
    Junior Canuck
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    For those needing a way to keep track of your trades/trains. I keep a coiled book with all of the information.

    For trades I have their SC name and make a note if I've sent my end and make a note of when their end is received. I also make note if FB has been sent and received.

    For regular trains. I make note of the conductor, the trains name, if the train has been received and sent, and if FB has been sent and received.

    For VWT trains. I make note of the conductor and the names of all other riders. I make a note of when it was mailed and received. I also make note of who I sent FB to and if I received FB from each individual rider.

    It's a lot of work to keep track of, but I find it is the easiest way to know what's on the go. I also have a similar system for the trains that I am conducting.
    ticul likes this.

  11. #11
    CaLoonie uniquelyme's Avatar
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    This is a great idea! Since I'm fairly new as well when it comes to trading I have no problems with having people check in here to see if others are trading with me. I don't know what the threshold for someone to be considered "new" would be too -- I'm thinking perhaps a combination of posting and trading activity should be considered. But then some people don't post, only trade it seems. I figured I'd go with a number of 20.

    My current list:

    Krysten277 - June 8 (pre-strike) (2 FPCs, 2 other coupons valued at $5 total.) -- See the update and negative feedback left.
    nikki.a - July 2 Received!
    lippolito - July 5 - Received!
    Cheap_Mama - July 12 - Received!

    The remaining I have outstanding are 7 from higher feedback members (2 of them received theirs, just waiting for mine to arrive.)
    Last edited by uniquelyme; Thu, Jul 21st, 2011 at 10:28 PM. Reason: Updated numbers

  12. #12
    c-diddy caroman's Avatar
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    Last edited by caroman; Wed, Jul 6th, 2011 at 06:17 PM.
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  13. #13
    KK7 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by danielle66 View Post
    For those needing a way to keep track of your trades/trains. I keep a coiled book with all of the information.

    For trades I have their SC name and make a note if I've sent my end and make a note of when their end is received. I also make note if FB has been sent and received.

    For regular trains. I make note of the conductor, the trains name, if the train has been received and sent, and if FB has been sent and received.

    For VWT trains. I make note of the conductor and the names of all other riders. I make a note of when it was mailed and received. I also make note of who I sent FB to and if I received FB from each individual rider.

    It's a lot of work to keep track of, but I find it is the easiest way to know what's on the go. I also have a similar system for the trains that I am conducting.

    this is a great idea but I think the meaning of the thread is to post newer people so they are not doing 50 trades for FPC's ect and hopefully no one gets burned.

  14. #14
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KK7 View Post
    this is a great idea but I think the meaning of the thread is to post newer people so they are not doing 50 trades for FPC's ect and hopefully no one gets burned.


    I don't think we would all trades going around

    Just the one with newbie having a trade rating under 10 will be enought I think. If someone have a trade rating of 34 and a total of 40+ trades/train I think we are already set with this person (at least, the probability to be in front of a scammer are very small at this point)
    Liberty of one finish where liberty of the other one start

  15. #15
    Smart Canuck amanda4's Avatar
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    WOW I think you are reading minds lol. Another member and I were talking about this a few days ago!!
    Great idea!!!

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