Here is a list of coupons I would like to trade:

2- save $0.50 on any glide floss exp 09/11
1- $5.00 off Powdered Enfamil A+ forumla
1-$2.00 off any critracal product
1-$1.50 off cascade action packs
1-$1.50 off any 1 a day product
1- $1.50 off arm&hammer puppy pads
1-$1.00 almond beverage
1-$1.00 any 1.89l ryza
1-$1.00 any polident or poligrip
1-$1.00 off any so good frozen desert
1-$1.00 off arm&hamemr cat litter
1-$1.00 off gaviscon
1-$1.00 any 2 arm&hammer deodorant
1-$1.00 gay lea spreadable
1-$0.75 nordica cottage cheese
1-$0.50 sunlight dishwasher detergent (any)
1-$0.50 senokot.S 60's
1-$0.75 off arm&hammer carpet deodorizer

Will trade all for best deal, or divide if wanted.