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Thread: pregnancy

  1. #1
    born to use coupons!! ElisaM's Avatar
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    I am just curious if anyone has ever hidden a pregnancy from family and/or friends and if your comfortable saying why you did.
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  2. #2
    CaToonie xlissa's Avatar
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    We hid ours for a little while. For different reasons.

    With my family, it was because I've had miscarriages previously, and have had alot of fertility problems in the past four years. We wanted to be comfortable with the pregnancy ourselves before revealing it to everyone else and getting their hopes up.

    With his family it was because we have had alot of problems with them in the past. And they really dislike me. I didn't want their fake "oh i love you" just because I was pregnant, so we worked on rebuilding our relationship with them first, and then told them the good news. So that they could decide whether or not to treat us decently (unlike the past) without the thought of a baby.
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  3. #3
    ♥ New Mommy ♥ ashokia's Avatar
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    We didn't tell anyone for the first four months. There were a lot of miscarriages in my family and several the year before we got pregnant, so we didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. Being a bigger girl, nobody really noticed I was pregnant either. Still get people in my apartment building coming up and saying, "I never even knew you were pregnant!" LOL.

  4. #4
    Oppi Fjellet Brynhilde's Avatar
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    I did with my first child as I experienced loss before.. didn't want to get my hopes up or anyone else's for that matter.

  5. #5
    Canadian Guru Brandy Hunter's Avatar
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    Just peeking in.

    So many people tell the world when they first find out their pregnant (one girl on my FB friends was 4 weeks - not even sure how it's possible to know that early!) and all I could think of was what you all posted, the chance of loss, after telling 'the world'

    My SIL told us when she was..7 weeks? The day they found out they were expecting.
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  6. #6
    Senior Canuck dol09's Avatar
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    I told people I was pregnant early on. But I've had horrible morning sickness and there was no way to hide it lol Just a few more weeks and the morning sickness phase is "supposed" to have passed.
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  7. #7
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    I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks (I was on fertility meds and testing 2X a day) and I told my husband and family 3 days after I found out.

  8. #8
    Frosh Canuck
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    I dont have any kids, but my SIL spent 9 yrs trying, and when the in vitro (round 3) worked, she told her parents, siblings and their families immediately (ilke within hours.) she waited till week 13 to make a general announcement to everyone else. I can understand both sides of it. she had so much trouble early on that she cuold have hidden it so as to "not get peoples hopes up" but she said to me "it's not going to jynx me or change anything if i tell people... and if it happens it happens." i guess this way, she would have support if something terrible did happen. she's at 15 weeks now, and so far baby looks great!
    if you want to keep it quiet for reasons like that, go for it... it's your baby, your choice. i just hope you're not worried about telling people, or scared, or embarrassed... do you have supports that you can talk to? Even if you only tell one friend, I hope you're not hiding it for sad reasons. (assuming it's even YOU that you're talking about.... Congratulations!!!)

  9. #9
    Senior Canuck Zia_Stephie's Avatar
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    I found out at 4 weeks that I was pregnant (I had 3 negative tests in that time as well...but low and behold I was knocked up) was the morning sickness that gave it away to my close co-workers and my husband and I decided to tell our close family when we found out. Being that it was Christmas and NYE, it would have been kindof suspicious if I didn't have a drink in my hand. I thought about keeping it a secret for a while but I really like the extra support my family has given me thus far. I am not announcing it to the world -- it hasnt been on Facebook and I'm not even telling my clients yet...I'll wait until I start showing.
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  10. #10
    I heart DH and DS francine1985's Avatar
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    I got pregnant in mid September last year and found out in October. we told my family early but didn't tell dh family until Christmas. it wasnt that we were hiding it exactly but we were supposed to go visit them after Christmas and I wanted to tell them in person. Unfortunately because of the Acadian bus strike we weren't able to visit them so we had to tell them on the phone on Christmas day. (we aren't able to try to visit them again until April and my due date is June 15th. so we dont know if I will be able to travel then.)
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  11. #11
    Mastermind bargain_hunter_lola's Avatar
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    For DD we told people at about 10 weeks, we were just so excited!

    With DS, I was sick within 2-3 weeks so it was obvious. I ended up being sick at my BIL's wedding and people started joking about it. DH & I laughed it off but his other brother pulled me aside and totally knew. It wasn't long until everyone figured it out.

    Except DD's preschool. lol. About a month before I was due, I explained that my mom would be dropping DD off and picking her up while I was in the hospital and they had no idea I was pregnant. lol. I just assumed they knew. lol

    I know a few people who have chose to not tell anyone. I think it's a personal choice and only you know when it's right to share your big news.

  12. #12
    Smart Canuck
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    with both my pregnancies i was very sick so everyone knew something was up. the first was so unplanned (and i actually thought i got my p when it was due) that for a good 2 weeks of me being sick my coworkers kept telling me i was pregnant and i kept saying no no no. then finally i caved and tested (+) and an ultrasound confirmed i was 8 weeks, lol.

  13. #13
    putting the kettle on.. sweetproserpina's Avatar
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    I had to tell my supervisor at work around 8 wks (we knew I was preggo at 5wks). I was so sick and had missed a couple days at work, and there were a few things at work I couldn't do anymore, so they had to know. But I didn't tell the family until 12-13wks, just to be on the safe side. It was so hard though as I felt soo terrible and was soo exhausted all the time, and couldn't tell anyone..
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  14. #14
    Smart Canuck Minou's Avatar
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    I was six months along before I told anyone at work this time! I wanted to make sure the screenings and ultrasound were okay. The tests were delayed, so I couldn't really announce anything in a timely way. Oh, the looks of shock!

    I don't like the way people at work look at a person as less capable when pregnant, so I really liked that I didn't have too many months of that! Still, I was sorry to have the shocked reaction from so many people!

  15. #15
    Shejayd shejayd's Avatar
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    We held it in for the first 12 weeks, i think if it werent my sons birthday and so close to Christmas, we would still be holding it in. I had a 2nd trimester loss in June and it was very tramatic for the whole family which followed many yearrs of infertility issues and other losses, so I was really scared to tell my dad/mom/brothers so we kept quiet. When we did tell it was overwhelming how much support we recieved and I don't think I could ever keep it in if I was to do it over again.

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