today at Metro, I also could not see a less sugar version of that Pure-leaf Iced Tea, so I just grabbed the one that looked as close to the picture on the FPC and the cashier put the sucker through! I cannot believe the regular price for that stuff is $4.89 I also used the bread FPC, picked up the Sourdough one. None for me ( rats! diet ) but DH and DS will enjoy these freebies.
Totally agree with you, regarding the mandates. Thanks for the rep.
lucky you! Contacts are not an option for me, as I wear bifocals.
just read over the post about the shirt you bought your DS ( being a morning person only on Christmas ) lol. DH put a T-shirt on yesterday that I totally forgot I'd bought him on his 65th b'day. It was a picture of a 3-4 dinosaurs with the caption " all my friends are dead " . Man I was cruel back then.....ha ha
Praying that your Mom stays well at her job. Thankful for people like her that keep healthcare running for the rest of us
Me too, but I don't do scary. So I'm watching the All Star game. Enjoy whichever you choose.
Thanks for the rep kiddo
Thanks so much for repping me!
Thanks for the rep! Silk
Thanks for the rep ! Happy thanksgiving to you and yours as well !
Happy Sunday; thanks for this past week's rep!
good to know! I'll bet you're right, they might have just kept them if you did not mention needing them for a great freebie!
that was really great about the ticket stubs! Which reminds me the manager asked my DH for ours? I think she took them when she gave him the vouchers? Maybe she has to account for the free admissions that she hands out, not sure.
we went to watch Trainwreck last night and naturally I scooped up some tabs and 1 empty bag with a pin code BUT the best part was us getting in on one of my BOGO's and then when the movie died part way through, ( they managed to get it going again after a solid 15 min. delay so we still got to see it all ) and then as we were leaving they gave us all free vouchers to use at a later date! That is some nice service!! ha ha
I never even knew about this last year? Oh well it really is kind of fun, especially when I can find free tabs to play with.
lol!! yes that is what I am on, a desk top clicking my mouse to pop them. DS offered to do it for me but I insisted on playing....ha ha You know what is very weird though? The ones where I have had 20 kernels? NO instant Prize, but the 5-15 ones were all my winning ones! ( admissions, treats, etc)
Thanks doll for the kind words. You need 5 FPC's? They are the 1 day only ones that just came out
I simply cannot remember when all my kids watched the original ( because DD was a baby at the time ) but I do know my 2 boys loved ALL things dinosaur, and I am thinking we must have bought some VHS tape maybe?? When this new one came out my one son still living here and my DH were pumped to go, and DD wanted to go ONLY to drool over Chris Pratt! ha ha ( my baby grew up ) It was great entertainment.
well I'll be darned! I never knew they had gloves to help cold winter hands stay connected to their devices. Maybe I will consider that as a gift I can get my eldest DS, he is so tough to buy for. thanks.
just pm'd you
you said it, ( generally getting back what you give ) I am learning this more since my DD has shared some of her experiences with me as a PT cashier work while also attending Univ. She has made me very aware of how some customers shoot themselves in the foot the minute they open their mouths. lol.
Thanks for the info.. I feel the same about so many books too... why can't you write moooorrre??? If you haven't already read Ashfall you should give it a try. I'm waiting for the third book in the trilogy. Also the Maze Runner series is very good. I'm on the second one of three in that one. So many good books, so little time!
Lovely! Hope the treats bring you much enjoyment! For a moment, thought you bought forest foraged truffles and they are expensive. Great shop with your TSC code!
I seen that post too! I just shook my head and moved on! Once these start coming I can see ppl trading them for outrageous amounts sadly
I couldnt agree more with you about the cereal ordeal! Its like ppl are being savages about them!!! I lucked out and found a few the other day but buy 6, 8, 10, boxes of cereal is rediculous!!!!! The big coupons are going to be redeemed before the rest of the country have a chance of getting any!!!
Thx so much for the rep have a great evening!
Thank you for the REP dear francine1985. We all do what we have to do and we are here to help one another. I am here if you need anything at all. All the REPs and PMs I have received, I have a better idea of who thinks alike. So nice to hear from you. Have a lovely week dear. Happy belated Thanksgiving too. We have allot to be thankful for.
-good for you for being a stay at home mom -its very rewarding-I just read your post under my "some people want coupons for gold"i stayed home with mine many years ago for 7 years-then had to go out to work part-time cause hubby was on strike for 9 months -he then became the stay at home dad
Smart Canuck
Loves codes of all kinds
Senior Canuck
Still keeping the faith