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Thread: No SmartSource

  1. #1
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    We didn't get our paper yesterday. The first SmartSource I've been looking forward to in a long time and I didn't get one.

    It's not the first time it's happened either, and always on a Friday. Is it weird to call in asking to take on a paper route so I can ensure everyone on our block gets their coupons on Friday? It's at least the second time I've missed out on coupons and I'm crazy enough to mull it over...
    This thread is currently associated with: Red Plum, Smart Source
    Last edited by sweet sparrow; Sun, May 20th, 2012 at 02:23 PM.

  2. #2
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    The next Red Plum is out on June 2.Smartsource is what is out currently.

  3. #3
    Senior Canuck westcoastblondie's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry that you weren't able to get any. I happened to get a few of them. If you would like I could send you a couple of inserts worth? I've already cut them all out (and it didn't have sweet baby rays if you were hoping to get that) but I could send you some if you would like.
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  4. #4
    If it's free it's for me! newwestcouponer's Avatar
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    I've considered taking up a paper route also

    I did have success by calling the newspaper though. I told them that the paper did not arrive when it was supposed to and I needed the coupons and since then it's come faithfully. And sometimes it even has double the inserts. HA!
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  5. #5
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    My daughter had paper routes. I don't recommend it unless your neighbours are really good about clearing the ice and snow. After everyone in the family wiped out multiple times trying to get papers to boxes by doors up ice-covered stairs or to stow papers full of flyers in tiny mailboxes that wouldn't hold it and being ed out by disappointed customers whose papers turned to mush in the snow or rain? We told her she could quit because the newspaper never had her back when we told them a house was too dangerous to deliver papers to.

    You can call the paper's delivery line and complain. They will usually send someone out with a car to deliver the paper even if it's a local freebie or they'll call up the delivery person and get them to come back and deliver your paper properly!

  6. #6
    Smart Canuck MamaF's Avatar
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    We used to do the Pennysaver as a family, and it sure was no fun in the winter That was before I used many coupons, though. This week in the flyers is a paper stating that they need someone for just our street. We are contemplating it. We used to do 425 houses with the kids, this street was only 100 houses of that, so it would be much easier I'd find out how many you'd be having. 425 took a loooonnnnggg time

  7. #7
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Yes, I meant the SmartSource and I corrected my first post.

    So kind of you, westcoastblondie! I guess I was hoping for the Cottonelle coupon, and I think I might try calling in to the local paper. I heard someone else did that once and was told they could come by and pick it up themselves. Service here might not be what it is in other parts of the country.

    And the next time I have any bright ideas, like signing myself up for a paper route, I should run it by you all so you can talk me out of it. I'd be muttering up and down the street that it seemed like a bright idea at the time.....

  8. #8
    Smart Canuck sharkie's Avatar
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    lol that is so funny...I even considered a paper route....the things we will do to get our would be freezing in the winter...I would have to wear long least I am not alone in my silly ideas..

  9. #9
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    If you get home delivery, you should have just called the circulation department of your home deivery paper and they would have delivered another paper to you. That happened to me twice, not on a day when inserts were in the paper though. I phoned them and they had a new paper out to me within an hour. It would be easier to just call them than to get all upset and rant about a dumb paper, lol. If you check your local recycle station, if it was just the insert you wanted, you will find tons of them. It' a shame, but so many of the inserts just get tossed.

    I was at our local farmers arket on Saturday afternoon and got 26 extra inserts that were just lying on the tables.
    Last edited by hollyquaiscer; Mon, May 21st, 2012 at 10:13 PM. Reason: spelling
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  10. #10
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollyquaiscer View Post
    If you get home delivery, you should have just called the circulation department of your home deivery paper and they would have delivered another paper to you. That happened to me twice, not on a day when inserts were in the paper though. I phoned them and they had a new paper out to me within an hour. It would be easier to just call them than to get all upset and rant about a dumb paper, lol. If you check your local recycle station, if it was just the insert you wanted, you will find tons of them. It' a shame, but so many of the inserts just get tossed.

    I was at our local farmers arket on Saturday afternoon and got 26 extra inserts that were just lying on the tables.
    I didn't call but I emailed circulation and found one in my mailbox tonight. I'm not really upset (more like mildly disappointed), but wasn't sure where else to post.

    You must live out west where they have recycle stations. I saw the huge bins when I visited Edmonton. We just have home pick-up here, and city by-laws where you can be charged if you're on someone else's property digging through their bin. Perhaps I should change the rant to people picking up after their dogs and throwing them in my recycling bin. DH was upset about that until I asked him if he would rather them not pick up after their dog at all.
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  11. #11
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    It's illegal to go through peoples recycle bins here too, whether or not they are on that persons property. People still do it. Where I live, we have a large green recycle bin for our condo, I just look in over the top. After almost falling in last year, lol...I got myself one of those long grabbers, so now it's easy to just put the grabber in and reach a cereal box, or insert.
    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  12. #12
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    I live in a small town in Saskatchewan and we have large bins for all recycling, only open twice a week and they let me jump in xD
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  13. #13
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    We are lucky here... we don't subscribe to the newspaper (a waste of money for how little time we have to read it!), but SmartSource now arrives in my mailbox!!! I don't know where it comes from, but we now get them direct-to-home with no paper... here's hoping that that starts happening for everyone

  14. #14
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Other cities must have much better circulation departments. My paper has now gone missing at least three times since I started this post, I've called circulation to let them know about it all three times, and two of them were the dates of either a SmartSource or RedPlum insert.

    The first time, they said the flyers were delivered late. Did I get them on Friday? (no, I didn't)
    The second time, they called back a few days later and asked if I'd started receiving the paper again. (Yes, I have the current paper, but I want last week's with the flyers like any good SCer.)
    The third time, they just left a message saying they received my complaint and were looking into the issue. They still haven't called back about that one and it's been over a week.

    On none of those occasions except for the first, did I receive my paper. DH thinks someone is stealing my SmartSource or RedPlum because it happened on 3 out of 4 of those dates (including the first time). I think I'm just being ignored by the circulation department. Once on flyer day, I got the paper from the day before and no flyers - why would I want two copies?
    Last edited by sweet sparrow; Mon, Oct 15th, 2012 at 01:46 AM.

  15. #15
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    I'm down here in Florida now for the winter, and for the past two Sundays, my paper has been loaded with coupon inserts. Last week it had a smart source, a red plum, a general mills and a target. Yesterday I got a new smart source (they come out every week here), a new red plum(same, every week, and the expiry is on average two months), a p&g, another target, bunch of Walgreens coupons, and a Publix coupon book
    jonesy, walkonby and RebeccaRYoung like this.
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