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  1. #1
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    I will go to Winnipeg in Agust for my university.But I have hypersensitive skin on my face and so many products would burn my skin even the Esteelauder or Sisley something.
    And I heard that the weather in Winnipeg is extremely bad. The sunshine, wind or cold air may do harm to my face which will be awful. Maybe the avene products can help me.
    So is there anyone know where can i get the Avene stuff in Winnipeg? drugstores?supermarkets?or onlineshopping? Thanks~
    This thread is currently associated with: WIND Mobile

  2. #2
    Frosh Canuck
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    I believe I've seen them in London Drugs. If you have really sensitive skin you might want to also look into La Roche Posay. My derm also recommened that brand for me. Their stuff is pretty good for sensitive skin and there's a $5 coupon floating around where you can buy the sample pack for free to try. Good Luck!
    Last edited by aly8887; Wed, May 23rd, 2012 at 02:57 AM.

  3. #3
    Canadian Guru carlyincanada's Avatar
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    I love Biotherm Aquasource (have Normal/Combo skin) but I'm sure they have for Sensitive skin too...maybe ask for samples at SDM. Good luck in Winnipeg!

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