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Thread: No it's not a photocopy!

  1. #16
    Canadian Genius Insane's Avatar
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    I read on a thread somewhere that people print them off on cereal boxes. Makes them look more legit.
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  2. #17
    Couponess BC Gal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Insane View Post
    I read on a thread somewhere that people print them off on cereal boxes. Makes them look more legit.

    I`ve never heard of that. It doesn`t seem smart to burn the stores you shop in, so I really don`t get why people would try that. If nothing else, they should be worried a notice has gone out to the cashiers to watch for that forgery and the store security then police get involved.

    (was my response before I understood Insane meant printing on cardboard, not copying coupons that companies printed on their boxes - my bad)

    littlebean: I think the pin numbers on smartsource printable coupons are unique and smartsource could keep files containing ip addresses and pin numbers. How much responsibility or onus a person has that a coupon printed from their ip address is properly used I don`t know. However if they are copied the background image does not appear, so stores can tell easily if it is a photocopy.
    Last edited by BC Gal; Mon, May 28th, 2012 at 05:24 PM.

  3. #18
    Canadian Genius Insane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BC Gal View Post
    I`ve never heard of that. It doesn`t seem smart to burn the stores you shop in, so I really don`t get why people would try that. If nothing else, they should be worried a notice has gone out to the cashiers to watch for that forgery and the store security then police get involved.

    I mean printing a printable coupon out on cereal boxes so that the cashiers question it less and saves paper. You aren't burning the store if it's a legit coupon.
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  4. #19
    Couponess BC Gal's Avatar
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    Oh, lol, I thought you meant copying coupons that were printed on cereal boxes

    That's a different idea . If it is a legit printed coupon, why can't you print it out on colored paper, or cardboard, or whatever. Hmmmm got to think on that one, but it's sounding like a good idea. Thanks for sharing!

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