User Tag List

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Likes Received
    Trading Score
    161 (100%)

    My trade list:
    FPC scrubbling bubbles color power technology exp june 30
    FPC powerade zero exp oct 31
    $5 similac advance with omega-3 and omega-6 ready-to-feed nursers exp apr 30, 2013
    5*$2 ensure coupon exp dec 31, 2013
    $1 wub 2 maple leaf top dogs, maple leaf natural selections hot dogs or dempsters /ben's POM hot dog or hamburger buns exp june 30, 2013
    4*$1 la creme cow spreadable snack cheese exp july 13
    $2 jamieson calcium supplement exp sep 30
    $2 colgate sensitive-pro relief 75ml exp july 13
    bogo Dr. oetker mug cake exp aug 9
    2*$1 my first crayola exp july 13
    $1 garnier fructis style product exp july 13
    $2 4*315ml and 400g selection of carnation breakfast essentials exp dec 31
    $1.5 new mccain harvest splendor medleys exp june 30
    2*$1 weetabix cereal 400g or larger exp june 24
    $1 new purina one smartblend cat food, 1.8KG or larger exp dec 15
    4*$1.25 oasis nutrisource exp mar 31, 2013
    $2 any size royale paper towels exp sep 30
    8*$1 yoptimail or asana exp sep 1
    $1 12*100g pack of activia or activia fat free from danone exp aug 7
    $1 activia plain yogurt from danone exp july 18
    2*$2 activia 12*100g exp june 7
    $1 palmolive ultra 739ml dish liquid exp oct 31
    2*50c welch's 100% juice, juice cocktails or prune nectar 1.36L) exp sep 30
    3 month subscription to BEST HEALTH magazine
    $1.5 mccain harvest splendar medleys exp june 30
    75c mott's garden cocktail exp dec 31, 2012
    $2 breath right nasal strips exp may 31, 2013
    50c italpasta, wholesome grains, itlpasta total pasta epx sep 30
    2*$2 olivieri lasagna sheet or olivieri whole grain lasagna sheets exp june 30
    $1 olivieri natural pasta exp dec 31
    bogo beneful prepared meals(maximum value $3.28) exp june 25
    6*$1 gay lea spreadables butter (regular or light) exp sep 30
    $1 high liner pan-sear selects 540g exp dec 31
    75c earthsown almond 3*250ml packs or 946ml exp june 25
    6*$1 van houtte exp june
    8*$1 nivea shower product or one nivea bar soap exp dec 31
    2*$1 fibre 1 honey clusters 425g cereal exp july 7, july 13
    bogo fantastik triggers exp july 7
    $2 garnier nutrisse mousse exp june 23
    $1 garnier fructis style produc exp july 8
    2012 entertainment book vancouer & fraser valley

    New Tearpad & peelie:

    Special K coupon book:
    1*$1.5 on a box of special K oats & honey cereal (385g) exp june 18
    5*$1.5 wub 2 kellogg's special K cereal (320g-765g) exp june 18
    8*$1 special K Bars or Fruit crisps (125g-138g) exp june 18
    1*50c special K cracker chips exp mar 31, 2013---tearpad

    6*$2 wub 4 paticipating kraft products exp july 31
    participating products:
    bull's ey barbecue sauce, chez whizprocess cheese product, christie cookies, cracker barrel cheese, cracker barrel natural cheese slices, crystal light low calorie drink mix any size, any variety, kool-aid jammers fruit beverage, kraft BBQ sauce, kraft dinner macaroni and cheese dinner, kraft dressings, kraft mayo real mayonnaise, kraft singles cheese product slices, MiO liquid enhancer, miracle whip dressing, Nabob roast& ground coffee

    10*50c vlasic pickles exp dec 31
    8*75c D'ITALIANO product exp sep 30
    6*$2 wub 2 different dove products exp dec 31 upc 89288409
    6*$1 lactantia milk 2*2L exp dec 31
    8*$1 wub 2 minute maid 295ml frozen concentrate products exp sep 30
    6*75c minute maid mango, mixed berry or beach real fruit beverage exp sep 30
    6*$1 green works naturally-derived cleaning product (excluding green works laundry detergent) exp dec 31
    8*$1 kraft cracker barrel natural cheese slices 220-240g exp sep 30
    6*$1 kraft 100% parmesan grated cheese 250g exp sep 30
    8*75c kraft 100% parmesan cheese shaved or aged grated exp dec 31
    6*$1 b4g1 295ml minut maid, five alive, fruitopia or bacardi mixers 250ml frozen concentrate products exp sep 30
    3*$1 any smucker's dessert topping product exp dec 31
    6*50c any new bear paws cereal & fruit exp sep 30
    6*$2 loreal paris hair expert exp oct 17
    2*$2 filippo berio exp dec 31, 2013
    8*$1 canada dry exp dec 30
    8*$3 wub 2 haagen-dazs 500ml tubs & multipacks exp aug 31
    6*75c oasis smoothie 1.75L exp dec 31
    6*75c oasis health break 1.75L exp dec 31
    6* FREE meox mix single food cup wub any bag of meox mix dry cat food(1.6KG and up) exp dec 17
    6*50c danone crush or coolision yoghurt pack exp dec 31
    8*50c realfruit gummies 160g or 180g bag exp june 30, 2013
    50c simple pleasures moments epx july 31
    6*$1 wub 3 ultimate recovery products exp dec 31
    6*50c ormel real bacon bits or real bacon pieces exp oct 31
    7*$1 any febreze fabric refresher exp july 30
    5*$1 royale 6-roll paper towels exp dec 31, 2012
    6*$2 any affresh cleaning product exp july 15
    6*50c wub 2 nestle pure life sparkling 1L bottles or any one *500ml case exp dec 31
    4*$1 VH steamers exp dec 31--peelie
    6*$1 vh steamers exp sep 30--tearpad

    6*$1 340g box of rice crispies brown rice (gluten free) cereal exp dec 31
    6*$2 becel proactiv calorie-reduced margarine exp dec 30
    6*50c minute rice ready to serve cups exp june 30
    6*75c Dairlyand Organic Milk (exp. Dec.31 '12)
    6*$1 Janes exp july 15
    6*75c Dairyland Li'l Ones yogurt (exp. Oct.31 '12)
    3*75c Black Diamond Cheesestrings Ficello/Funcheez exp. Dec.31
    6*$1 wub any 2 bick's exp dec 31
    6*50c any bick's relish product exp dec 31
    5*50c degree woman exp dec 31
    6*$1 any head & shoulders exp june 30
    5*$2 dove visible care body wash exp aug 31
    5*75c any skippy natural product exp dec 31
    6*75c high liner crusted fillets 250g exp dec 31
    6*$1 tresemme split remedy product exp sep 26, 2012
    6*50c Nutri grain superfruit flavours bars , 295g exp sep 30
    6*$1 Dove man+ care body+face wash exp june 30
    5*$1 St.Ives facial scrub or cleaner product exp sep 30
    50c oasis nutrisource 1.89L exp june 30
    6*$1 astro biobest maximmunite (8*94ml) or astro biobest smoothie exp dec 31
    3*$2 any simple product exp dec 31
    3*$2 wub 2 simple exp dec 31
    1*50c reynolds staybrite baking cups exp dec 31
    6*75c mazola rightblend canola & oliva oil blend exp dec 31
    6*$1 nivea anti-perspirant or deodorant product exp aug 31
    $1 battery pack from energizer exp may 31
    6*$1 any 240g (or larger ) bluewater exp june 30
    5*$3 purina smart blend exp sep 30
    6*$1 kashi cereal exp june 30
    5*$1 mccain sweet potato superfries or breakfast potatoes exp june 30
    2*35c any taipan sauce 350ml, no expiry date
    6*$1 melitta coffee exp dec 31
    6*75c melitta filter exp dec 31
    8*50c any one can or micerowave bowl of stagg chili exp oct 31
    6*$1 lactanitia lactaid 2L lactose free milk exp june 30 13611385
    6*50c realfruit minis exp june 30
    6*75c wub 2 participating dare and grissol products exp june 30
    5*$1 lever 2000 exp may 31
    3*$4 sublime mousse by healthy look exp dec 31
    8*.75$ v8 v-fusion exp june 30
    8*Mccain harvest splender medleys exp may 31
    8*$1 astro original greek exp sep 30
    6*50c campbell's ready to use broth(900ml) exp july 31
    8*$3 any jamieson CoQ10 or $2 any jamieson omega product exp june 30
    9*$1.00 wub Simply Asia and Thai Kitchen exp may 31
    6*$3 nutrisse mousse haircolour product exp dec 31
    6*75c uncle ben's bistro express rice exp sep 31
    6*75c vh thai or inidan market sauce exp june 30 upc 44405595
    6*$1 naturegg simply egg whites or free run simply egg whites 500g liquid egg whites exp dec 31 upc 42405838
    6*$1 noxzema exp aug 31
    6*75c any adams exp july 30
    5*75c Island farms vanilla plus exp dec 31, 2012 8407640
    7*$1 wub 2 Delmote Fruit sanck 108g & 324g sizes exp sep 30
    6*Pedigree $3 on any one dry food exp aug 31
    6*$2 WUB2 Pedigree Snacks or Treats product for dogs exp aug 31
    10*$1 gay lea spreadables butter( regular or light) exp sep 30, 20126*75c gay lead spreadables exp sep 30 upc 02707176
    2*$2 van houtte exp aug 31
    6*$2 van houtte exp dec

    Shopper's voice:
    $1 tetley infusions exp dec 31
    $1 new colgate optic white toothpaste exp nov 30
    4*$5 coldsore-fx exp june 30, 2012
    $4 hydrasense nasal aspirator starter kit exp nov 30, 2012

    Manufacturer Mail out:
    2*$2 any jergens moisturizer 120ml or larger exp dec 31
    2*$5 wub 2 john frieda sheer blonde products exp dec 31
    2*75c any earthbound farm salad exp july 31, valid in USA
    $1 zevia exp june 3
    2*$1 wub 3 cloverleaf flavored tuna exp dec 31, 2012
    4*$3 Glucerna coupon exp dec 31, 2012
    $3 glucerna check exp oct 28
    2*$1 happy planet exp dec 31, 2015
    2*$1 gardein exp sep 30
    2*75c egg creations french toast blend 500g liquid egg product exp dec 31, 2012
    75c egg creations 500g liquid egg product exp dec 31, 2012
    50c naturegg omega pro eggs exp dec 31
    2*30C naturegg omega3 eggs exp dec 31, 2012
    $2 biore combination skin balancing cleanser 200ml exp dec 31, 2014
    $2 lacoupe orgnx hair care product exp june 30, 2013

    Magazine & newspaper coupon:
    5c crest pro-health toothpaste exp dec 31
    50c oral-b floss exp dec 31
    $12 crest pro-health rinse exp dec 31
    $1 oral-b pro-health manual brush exp dec 31
    $1 clorox*2 stain fighter & cloour booster exp dec 31
    $2 new imporoved sublime mousse formula exp dec 31
    $2 healthy look creme gloss color product from loreal paris exp dec 31
    $1 naturelief exp july 31
    2*$0.75 Tre Stelle Ricotta cheese Exp. Oct 31/2012
    2*$0.75 Tre Stelle Bocconcini cheese Exp.Oct 31
    75c tre stelle mozzarella cheese ball 340g exp nov 30
    75c apetina feta cheese exp nov 30
    2*$0.75 apetina feta cheese Exp.Oct 31/2012
    2*$1 Madame Clement Brie 175g Exp. Aug 20/2012
    2*$1 franco's mozzarella 454g Exp. Aug 20/2012
    2*$0.75 village Cheese artisan cheese Exp. Aug 20
    $2 disney gummies exp sep 30, 2013

    P&G coupon book:
    4*$1 bounty paper towels 6 rolls or larger exp june 30
    4*50c any tide liquid or powder (excludes 6-load tide liquid trial size) exp june 30
    4*$1 downy unstoppables exp june 30
    2*$2 vicks vapo or babyrub exp sep 30, 2012
    1*$2 vick vaporub or babyrub exp aug 31
    $2 vicks vaporub exp june 30, 2013, 2012
    2*$1 wub 2 snack stacks exp aug 31
    $1 wub 2 snack stacks exp sep 30
    1*$2 gillette clinical deodorant or any 2 deodorants( full size only) exp sep 30, 2012
    bogo buy one gillette deodorant, get one gillette body wash free (excludes trial size) exp sep 30,2012
    4*$2 gillette clinical deodorant or any 2 deodorants (full size only) exp aug 31,2012
    3*$5 align digestive care exp sep 30, 2012
    2*$1 pantene expressions or restore beautiful lengths shampoo or conditioner exp sep 30, 2012
    $1 any pantene product exp aug 31
    2*$1 wub 2 pepto bismol exp aug 31,2012
    2*$1 wub 2 children's pepto or pepto bismol exp sep 30, 2012
    50c any one size or scent bounce dryer bar exp aug 31, 2012
    2*$1 any one size or scent bounce dryer bar exp sep 30,2012
    2*$1 dreft 32 loads or larger exp sep 30
    $1 wub 2 cascade exp sep 30, 2012
    2*$7 crest 3D white whitestrips professional effects exp aug 31, 2012
    $7 crest 3D white whitestrips professional effects exp sep 30
    2*$5 febreze flamess luminarie exp aug 31, 2012
    $4 one febreze flamess luminary starter kit exp sep 30
    2*50 febreze air effects exp aug 31
    $1 febreze 800ml fabric refresher exp aug 31
    $1 febreze fabric refresher exp sep 30
    2*$1 secret clinical strength exp aug 31
    2*$1 secret clinical strength exp sep 30
    50c any one size or scent bounce dryer bar exp aug 31

    *$5 nestle good start 2 alsoy with omega 3&6, 730g exp june 30
    2*$1.5 kid's spinbrush kids toothbrush(65333889) exp may 30
    3*$1 orajel kids flouride toothpaste (65333890) exp may 30
    $1 spinbrush kid's toothbrush(5333966) exp june 30
    11*$2 pediasure complete exp june 30----smartsource

    Wish List
    SYB pin
    shutterfly codes
    $1 johnsville sausage
    earthbound farms product
    FPC detergent
    FPC yoghurt
    FPC juice
    $5 skinny cow
    $3 tide
    1.50 Olympic Krema
    $1 dare
    $5 any similac--today's parents magazine
    similac checks
    pediasure checks
    rougemont apple juice
    any honey
    any tofu
    Dole fruit
    FPC huggies
    $5 chapman
    $5+ pampers (diaper only)
    pampers gtg codes
    huggies etr codes
    lean cuisine points
    disney movie rewards codes
    sdm points
    canadian tire money
    any gift card
    Last edited by pptang; Tue, May 29th, 2012 at 06:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Likes Received
    Trading Score
    161 (100%)


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