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Thread: When Your Dinner Plans Get Messed-Up

  1. #1
    Senior Canuck
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    I'm a little peeved.

    Last Wednesday I made a quick trip to Maxi. It was the last day of the sale and I wanted to buy some chicken thighs and pork tenderloin, both were on sale. One of the two would be used for dinner that day.
    Maxi had neither. The clerk suggested I get a raincheck from customer service. .... But how will that help with dinner that same night?
    I ended up getting creative with some fondu beef I had in my freezer ... it was kinda gross, and I threw half of it out a few days later.

    Today I went to Metro to pick up some pork tenderloin for tonight's dinner, it's on sale, ending today. In the meat section was a note stating that due to procurement problems, they did not have any pork tenderloin. I went up and down the meat aisle looking for reasonably priced meat. I settled on a pack of Italian Sausages, which the boyfriend loves but me, not so much.

    I'm just wondering how you guys handle it when your store is out of something you need for that same day. Do you order pizza? Do you go to your freezer for something you've been saving for an occasion like this?

    I have limited freezer space so stocking up on meat when it's on sale and then thawing it before I need it is not a good option for me.

    I appreciate any tips and advice.
    This thread is currently associated with: Maxi, Metro
    Last edited by super_e; Wed, May 30th, 2012 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Smart Canuck GeorgiaK's Avatar
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    I am also limited on freezer space, but I always keep a couple of packages of ground beef or chicken on hand in cases like this. With a toddler, I can't get to the store all the time.
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  3. #3
    Smart Canuck AnnieP's Avatar
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    I always keep in cooked meat in the freezer. I reheat in a background of broth or a sauce. Within 10 minutes, 20 minutes if I use the pulp and it's ready. You can also keep rice and cooked pasta in the freezer in freezer bags. It's very fast and it takes little space.
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  4. #4
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    I go in my walk-in and take one home-made canning of whatever meat I have or I use chick peas or red kidney beans from my jar.

    I rarely buy meat for what I need exactly that same day. I only buy meat in special and I buy alot. I put it in my freezer and manage to can different meal with it. Other way I buy meat is from farm. 10 days ago I received 1/2 beef that I buy directly to the farmer. My freezer is full right now.
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  5. #5
    you can't fight evolution IMLN's Avatar
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    I try to manage not to NEED anything so i stock up on great prices. Last min. for me would have been pasta with rosee sauce (caned tomatoes if i have none left, with cream, garlic & parmesan) they all eat it and like it!
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  6. #6
    Canadian Genius kazm-l's Avatar
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    It would have probably been pasta here as well....
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  7. #7
    Axiomatic Canuck Tbites's Avatar
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    If you're set on having protein....I find fish fillets thaw pretty quickly.... in lukewarm water Yeah, I live on the wild side
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  8. #8
    Frosh Canuck chemicalflaw's Avatar
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    I also have a small freezer, but it's mostly filled with veggies & meat. I keep a little spare room for ice cream, of course.
    So usually I have at least ONE meat left in my freezer to fall back on. Or I'll make a pizza. I make my pizza from scratch, I usually keep moz. cheese on hand so I can always make one in a pinch. If That fails, then I resort to KD & hot dogs or a tuna casserole made with KD.
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  9. #9
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    Always have a pack of bacon in freezer. Does not take up space, and very easy to defrost. Slowly defrost in lukewarm water.

    Get some bread, lettuce, and tomatoes and make BLT sandwiches.S

    Super C has Lafleur bacon on sale for 2.99 and don't forget to use your $1 coupons.
    Last edited by couponmummy; Sun, Jun 3rd, 2012 at 05:01 PM.
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  10. #10
    one jar at the time 2010ontest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    Always have a pack of bacon in freezer. Does not take up space, and very easy to defrost. Slowly defrost in lukewarm water.

    Get some bread, lettuce, and tomatoes and make BLT sandwiches.S

    Super C has Lafleur bacon on sale for 2.99 and don't forget to use your $1 coupons.
    and if you are enough lucky to live in Laplaine area, publisac have a coupon of 5$ at the new superC (opening started may 31), this made 3 Lafleur bacon pack for 0.97$
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