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Sat, Dec 15th, 2012, 03:01 PM #1
Download free ebook! Canadian Health Policy in the News: Why Evidence Matters
By Noralou Roos, Sharon Manson Singer, Kathleen O’Grady, Camilla Tapp and Shannon Turczak
Click here to access your free ebook:
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• PDF (6 MB) for desktop computers.
• Kindle, Kobo and other formats to come
Canadian Health Policy in the Newsis a compendium of the commentaries (or OpEds) has published in major newspapers across the country since the birth of in April 2011 up to October 2012. It is a timely, balanced and non-partisan snapshot of what’s new and controversial concerning our healthcare system and related social programs that affect health and well-being in our country – with evidence at the forefront.
This book is available free-of-charge so that you can share it widely, in your classrooms, amongst your friends and colleagues, on your websites and via social media.
Canadian health policy will always be emerging and unfolding, responding to changing environmental and economic factors, new technologies, publicly held values and differing political landscapes. Canadian Health Policy in the News captures a moment in time and presents the issues that concern Canadians most, grounding our national discourse and debate on healthcare in the best evidence.
With thanks to the Canadian Institutes for Health Research and the Manitoba Health Research Council whose funding supports
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