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Thread: The Pampered Ladies Package Train

  1. #331
    Smart Canuck Venuila's Avatar
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    369 (100%) looks like Marley does have fleas. I guess I should be happy it's not something worse though. The vet didn't say anything about cleaning/prevention in the house (?!)....does anyone know any good ways to do this?
    I've been looking online but all I've found so far is to fumugate the house and leave the house with the pets for at least 4 hours which isn't really an option for me at the moment.
    missbee217 and chesterjes like this.

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  2. #332
    Smart Canuck gwennad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venuila View Post looks like Marley does have fleas. I guess I should be happy it's not something worse though. The vet didn't say anything about cleaning/prevention in the house (?!)....does anyone know any good ways to do this?
    I've been looking online but all I've found so far is to fumugate the house and leave the house with the pets for at least 4 hours which isn't really an option for me at the moment.
    I moved into an apartment with fleas once, terrible experience (my poor cats!). I managed to get rid of them by treating the cats, using a flea comb on them a few times a day (this was a BAD infestation), using a flea powder on the carpets and vacuuming it up, and a spray in a few spots that were bad. I also had to wash all the bedding in really hot water. I think treating the pets was the best thing, keep in mind they have a life cycle and there are probably eggs and babies waiting in the wings, so you may kill all the adults but you have to keep retreating to kill the next generations. Good luck!

    Oh, I'd use the flea comb and have a little bowl of water with soap in it, I'd dumb whatever I combed off in there to kill the fleas, it was not easy but more effective than anything else I tried.

  3. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by juliejolie View Post

    DH never forgets either and I usually get flowers (not much of a flower person, but its the thought that counts!) and a card. It's the card and what he writes in them that makes my day =) I collect all of them. Every year, we celebrate Mother's Day with his siblings who have children and spouses and we get gifts for all the mothers and grandmothers that partake. We go out for dinner. Thus far, his cards are getting sweeter and sweeter... a drastic change from the wedding card he gave me on our wedding day almost 5 years ago that read, "SEX! SEX! SEX! OH YEAH!" and signed his name. LOL
    Too funny wedding card!

    Quote Originally Posted by gwennad View Post
    The first year Jackson got me a laptop! Such a sweet boy This was after he bought me a TV for my birthday! otherwise he gets me something that my mom helps him pick out lol. Plus of course the daycare "artwork"

    I like that boys style!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by bluzsuz View Post
    Oh yeah and for mothers day, the response I get from hubby is - You're not my mother.... grrrrr. But he always comes through. This year (and since Xmas) I have asked for no presents from them unless they are homemade and put the money they would have spent into our puppy fund. 2 weeks from tomorrow we will be on our way to pick up our bundle of joy.

    Here is one of the latest pics we got from the breeder, we don't know who we are getting yet, we have first pick of the females and are going to let her pick us when we get there.
    Sweet Pups! That is a good idea for 'saven!


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  4. #334
    One Awesome Domestic Diva MrsSunshine's Avatar
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    oh. those pups.. my word. resist the urge please..

    Dh is a totally keeper when it comes to Mothers day.. he's a learnin.. its only taken about 18 years
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  5. #335
    Smart Canuck bluzsuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nat77 View Post
    I am in LOVE with those puppies!!!!
    I am too, you would think I was adopting a baby for petes sake, that is how excited I am. I am driving hubby and the kids nuts.

  6. #336
    Riding the Crazy Train! NickiB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluzsuz View Post
    I am too, you would think I was adopting a baby for petes sake, that is how excited I am. I am driving hubby and the kids nuts.
    They are just toooo cute! I love how fuzzy and soft puppies are!

  7. #337
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    oh Bluz I don't know how you are going to be able to leave with just one...I'd have all three tucked into the car before I left

    My hubby is pretty good about Mother's Day, I always get some flowers and a nice card and usually a gift from my son that he has helped him pick out. As my son gets older he has been saving his money and buying me something sweet. I always tuck the money he spent back into his wallet though..I'd rather he spent it on himself

  8. #338
    Smart Canuck dlee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nat77 View Post
    **sigh** No, Pumpkin is sitting this one out. I`m sure if we pester her enough, though, she will forced to pop in from time to time
    oh!!! but Pumpkin should be a Pampered Lady!! =) Pumpkin, come out and play with us!!! can't wait to get my buddy's list. I wonder who will have me!!

  9. #339
    Smart Canuck missbee217's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venuila View Post looks like Marley does have fleas. I guess I should be happy it's not something worse though. The vet didn't say anything about cleaning/prevention in the house (?!)....does anyone know any good ways to do this?
    I've been looking online but all I've found so far is to fumugate the house and leave the house with the pets for at least 4 hours which isn't really an option for me at the moment.

    DO IT!
    If you do not, they will get in crevices and cracks and can lie dormant for up to 10 years!
    We had to move out of our house for 2 MONTHS after we tore up the carpet...It was SO bad, when I would come in to check my mail, my pants would be COVERED in them (literally hundreds of them on me within seconds)!
    Apparently they were laying dormant in the cracks in our wood floor beneath it
    I paid for the flea bomb stuff (from the vet) FOUR TIMES, and then the company paid TWICE to have it fumigated b/c they just WOULDN'T GO AWAY!
    They multiply like CRAZY!

    Put your plants outside, and take your pets for a car ride or to the doggie park for the four hours.
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  10. #340
    Smart Canuck Jody22002's Avatar
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    To answer the question about a Mother's Day gift:

    My H stinks at the gift giving thing and never bothered helping the kids do anything but I got my first b'day gift this year because my daughter now has a job. She bought me something herself. I m betting he does the same thing for Mother's Day!

  11. #341
    Smart Canuck missbee217's Avatar
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    Pumpkin ~
    If you are unable to ride b/c of your new job, you are just going to have to quit.
    Sorry, but hopefully your hubby will understand that we need you here.
    RRLF: Cineplex Passes, Optimum Points (and my sanity...I think I lost it a while back )

  12. #342
    Senior Canuck CheriBomb's Avatar
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    Mine sucks at it too. He is amazing at picking out the most practical (boring) gifts in the world and giving them to me at random times, but when it comes to actual occasions - nadda.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jody22002 View Post
    To answer the question about a Mother's Day gift:

    My H stinks at the gift giving thing and never bothered helping the kids do anything but I got my first b'day gift this year because my daughter now has a job. She bought me something herself. I m betting he does the same thing for Mother's Day!

  13. #343
    Smart Canuck garbagepicker's Avatar
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    Another reason I like package trains! I get a present I did not have to shop for done up by a thoughtful like minded woman out there! DH's and kids have their hearts in the right place but most cannot shop like another coupon savvy chick!!!

    DMS54, coyote00, bluzsuz and 3 others like this.

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  14. #344
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    Hi ladies! I actually turned the computer off for a while because my eyes were burning!! LOL!! Just came to see what's going on. Working on my wishlist later. Making soup from scratch for my son as he is home sick today. Poor thing. Thanks all for any wishlist ideas because this is my first package train and I'm kinda nervous about it. TTFN (which means Ta Ta For Now)

  15. #345
    Riding the Crazy Train! NickiB's Avatar
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    Ok.. totally off topic.. but just thought I'd mention I'm chewing my free Dentyne Ice gum... I think someone posted in the last train thread when it came up on the freebie.. so whomever that was, thanks!

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