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Thread: Really... people steal coupons?

  1. #1
    O's Momma ashl3y's Avatar
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    Went to Walmart today and bought a pack of Tampax Radiant tampons. On the top right corner it says "$3 of Radiant COUPONS inside!" Sweet! So I grab the box, put it in my basket and I'm on my way. It's not until I get home that I realize the box has already been opened, and the coupons are not inside the box, and neither is that little pamphlet that comes inside every box of tampons. Totally bummed!
    This thread is currently associated with: Walmart

  2. #2
    WantMore QueenH's Avatar
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    I saw a girl taking the coupons out of a box a while ago and I said to her " you know they will charge you for stealing those as you leave the store" I then pointed to the camera above and said " see they are watching you" I then walked away and had a good laugh cause she looked so freaked out. Its true though so too bad.
    Sorry to hear about your coupons though.
    oscarandme likes this.

  3. #3
    O's Momma ashl3y's Avatar
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    How pathetic. I hope she was freaked out! Guess from now on I will dig and grab a box from as low and as far back as possible.
    Shwa Girl and oscarandme like this.

  4. #4
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashl3y View Post
    How pathetic. I hope she was freaked out! Guess from now on I will dig and grab a box from as low and as far back as possible.
    Or maybe check the box after you have paid, and go to customer service to ask for a replacement that was not opened. Best way to do this so they don't wonder why you are opening boxes in the aisle and such.
    oscarandme likes this.

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