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  1. #1
    Smart Canuck
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    I am looking for info about charities, organizations, churches, etc in Halifax that hold charity garage sales or charity auctions throughout the year. I am from out of town, but am familiar with the drop bins, the Salvation Army thrift shops, and the annual "Dump and Run" garage sale at Dalhousie University. I'm just looking for other options to consider as well.

    If you have any recommendations re: charity sales that accept donations, please post below or send me a pm. Even better if you have the contact information. Thank you very much!
    This thread is currently associated with: Garage
    Last edited by TrueNorthTreasures; Tue, Jul 28th, 2015 at 08:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
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    There is an auction group on Facebook call auction Heaven, the ladies then donate to Christmas Daddies.
    The main organizer is Virginia Osmond.
    Before they used to have a meet but they broke up, now some of the Ladies have an auction also on Facebook call Girlz auction and their meet is at City church on 946 Main Rd, Dartmouth, so the sellers they donate to the church.

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