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  • 2 Post By Britanica
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Thread: What to do with a stray?

  1. #1
    CaToonie Britanica's Avatar
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    So there is this male cat hanging outside my place. He is young, maybe 7 or 8 months old. Very long and skinny. I been giving him food when I see him. He is not fixed, which is how I know it is a boy lol But the problem is, he wants to be pet and loved but quickly hisses, slaps, and snarls when touched "too much". What I mean by too much is, anything more than a few strokes. He was likely adopted as a kitten and got loose so he is becoming feral in nature to survive. I can tell he wants attention but it is like he tells himself "NO! REMAIN TOUGH! MUST SURVIVE!".

    So I am not sure what to do with him. Should I do a catch, fix, and release or attempt to find him a home?
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  2. #2
    Smart Canuck
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    It's so nice that you're looking out for this little guy! I wonder if the SPCA in your area would take him in?
    Davetherave likes this.

  3. #3
    Canadian Guru DaveP's Avatar
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    I'll probably catch hell for this but there isn't much point in fixing a male cat unless he's your cat and you're worried about him spraying indoors or being aggressive. Fixing male cats does little to control feral populations because all it takes is one unfixed fella to make a hundred litters. Fixing female cats does control the population but fixing the males doesn't unless you somehow get every last one of them

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