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Thread: 2015 Advent Train *Opening Time*

  1. #301
    Canadian Guru scbpooh's Avatar
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    Zoes into darker colours, Kayden likes blue and Riders green

    Zoe wears makeup but doesn't need anything. Both my kids have extremely delicate skin.

    Neither of my kids are crafters they get bored too fast.
    GCs- We are all a Timmies household 100%. If we had to second would be WM
    Not big into homemade things sorry!
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  2. #302
    Canadian Guru scbpooh's Avatar
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    Buddy you may or may not be riding the kiddie train as well. Would you prefer the train to be aimed for just you or your whole family?? I would like mine aimed at everyone if possible . Majority for me though (yes I'm being selfish )

    Forgotten things on my wl..... Didn't really think of hubby...oops! For him Gillette proline razor/refills, gilet shave gel, Speed stick (blue stick), anything Hulk or Walking Dead.
    becky_j, julesie-pie and N@t@ like this.

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by scbpooh View Post
    Buddy you may or may not be riding the kiddie train as well. Would you prefer the train to be aimed for just you or your whole family?? I would like mine aimed at everyone if possible . Majority for me though (yes I'm being selfish )

    Forgotten things on my wl..... Didn't really think of hubby...oops! For him Gillette proline razor/refills, gilet shave gel, Speed stick (blue stick), anything Hulk or Walking Dead.
    I would like my stuff to be equal. And how could u forget my

  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by scbpooh View Post
    Buddy you may or may not be riding the kiddie train as well. Would you prefer the train to be aimed for just you or your whole family?? I would like mine aimed at everyone if possible . Majority for me though (yes I'm being selfish )

    Forgotten things on my wl..... Didn't really think of hubby...oops! For him Gillette proline razor/refills, gilet shave gel, Speed stick (blue stick), anything Hulk or Walking Dead.

    For the family. But if the majority is for me I won't complain riding this package train is my Christmas gift from hubby
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    RRLF $1 Life Choice, Pampers & Huggies Diapers, Pampers GTG codes

  5. #305
    Smart Canuck couponteen101's Avatar
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    How do you feel about hand made things (i.e. hand made scarf, socks, gloves, blanket, napkins, etc.)? Would you like to get something for yourself or perhaps your kid(s)?

    I would absolutely love handmade socks!!!
    becky_j and N@t@ like this.

  6. #306
    Smart Canuck Momto2Ks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by army_girl29 View Post

    Buddy - what size is your dog? I really need to know.
    I have a 10 pound "poop"zu (it edits and deletes the other word for poop) Maltese Cross
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  7. #307
    Smart Canuck Momto2Ks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by new2sc View Post
    Question for my buddy. I have sent homemade beef jerky on packages before and it was a hit. Our whole family lives it. Would you be ok with homemade? I made with AAA beef from Costco and spices from cabelas
    Yes please!

  8. #308
    Smart Canuck new2sc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by becky_j View Post
    Do you want any samples that came out this yr?
    Razors, shampoo and conditioners, dishwasher tabs

    Quote Originally Posted by tmlskk01 View Post
    I have a question to add.

    Do you and or your children like to make crafts? If so is there anything you would like for crafting?

    I make a ton of things, I am always looking for chalk paint and clear wax (love the stuff from michaels), stencils, crafting magazines, paint brushes and just about anything else. I will find a use for it haha.
    An ornament making kit would be cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by becky_j View Post
    As the 13th is our gag gift day what type of gift would you be ok with adult or more geared toward children?

    For me would be ok with adult
    I would be ok with adult, just put an X on it or something lol

    Quote Originally Posted by sheetsofemptycanvas View Post
    Buddy- If you have children, what sizes do they wear?

    #2- Are there any Christmas movies/shows/specials that you don't have on DVD that you're looking for?

    My answers: DS#1 wears size 14-16 (large) and DS#2 wears a 7-8 (medium)
    Christmas movies- I have most of them but I've been looking for the un-edited version of The Muppets Christmas (not the Christmas Carol one).
    DS1 size 8-10
    DS2 size 18 months

    No christmas shows or specials please.

    Quote Originally Posted by couponteen101 View Post
    So 233 is my post!

    Now for my question:
    15. Buddy, do you have any use for handmade christmas tags, cards/enevelope?
    Handmad tags would be great

    Quote Originally Posted by julesie-pie View Post
    Buddy, would you be interested in Epicure products? If so, which ones?
    no dips, maybe a dill popcorn seasoning, or surprise me. I would like to try the hot chocolate

    Quote Originally Posted by coupontime View Post
    I saw a minion mega bloks and purdy's advent calendar, not sure if my buddy would like it.

    I have trouble deciding which advent calendar to get my buddy now!
    mega blocks no, purdys heck yes!

    Quote Originally Posted by army_girl29 View Post
    I so want that one! Minion mega bloks! Now if I can only not buy it for myself

    Buddy - what size is your dog? I really need to know.
    No dog, guess youre not my buddy

    Quote Originally Posted by N@t@ View Post
    Lol Yes! I like home/hand made stuff .. jerky, marmalade (especially from oranges one), jam, scarves, blankets, woven napkins, etc. .. wouldn't say no to hand made tags.
    Handmade blanket would be awesome! last advent train i had ahomeade one made for my newborn, it was fantastic!

    Quote Originally Posted by couponteen101 View Post
    Buddy, is there anything that you forgot on you wishlist that you would like to add?
    Is there such a thing as parchment paper for a loaf pan? by bread turns out funny shaped trying to stuff normal sheets in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by N@t@ View Post
    I have some questions for my buddies too
    What colours do(es) your kid(s) like(s)? Any preferences?
    Do(es) your kid(s) into make-up yet? If yes, what kind?
    (my niece uses lip gloss (strawberry or raspberry), sometimes eye shadows (mostly pink or apricot and occasionally blue) and all three love nail polish (anything but black or dark) .. lol they even have a few kits to make manicure to each other lol.

    Do(es) your kid(s) have(s) any skin/scent allergies?
    My girls don't like flower scents .. they prefer mild or fresh scents.

    If your kid(s) like(s) craft, what kind of material do they use (i.e. pencils or paints, what kind of markers or pencils for coloring, foam or felt, etc.)?
    What kind of candies do(es) your kid(s) like(s)?
    Do(es) your kid(s) have(s) any favorite places (i.e. McDonald's, Wendy's, etc.)? How would they feel about receiving a gift card or let's say a coupon book for that place?

    My girls would be happy with the GC for McD or Wendy's or coupons for their ice cream and frosty.

    How do you feel about hand made things (i.e. hand made scarf, socks, gloves, blanket, napkins, etc.)? Would you like to get something for yourself or perhaps your kid(s)?
    Would you or your kid(s) be interested in receiving small craft kits from Michael's to make something together (i.e. cross stitch pattern with threads provided, mealty beads to make a toy, foam kit, 3D structure, glimmer art, etc.)?
    Yes, yes and yes for my girls lol.

    I think that are all questions I have for now .. lol I am sure I will have much more to ask. Thank you all for your answers.
    boyish colors
    wendys or mcdonalds GC
    Maybe an ornament making kit
    all boys, no makeup
    DS loves smarties
    We all have sensitive skin. Unscented laundry detergent, dryer sheets, body wash, lotion

    I hope I answered all the questions!
    becky_j and julesie-pie like this.

  9. #309
    Smart Canuck chesterjes's Avatar
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    holy crap I had 11 pages to catch up on lol
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  10. #310
    Smart Canuck chesterjes's Avatar
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    Buddy here is where Ill post my answers...Post 310

    Buddy do you have any Christmas items wishes?? none specific, just the usual tags and tape

    What kids of things is/are your child/children into?? frozen, princess etc but she is on the kids train

    Buddy, do you like to bake? Yes when I can find the time, really like the robin hood quick breads

    Buddy do you have a current coupon wishlist? I think it is but I will check

    Do you want any samples that came out this year? sure but no pets and we are not fussy and use almost anything

    Do you have long or short hair? medium, just cut it to my shoulders but will let it grow again

    When is your birthday? Dec 11

    Do you mind or like DIYs? love them

    Do you enjoy card and/or board games? love them

    What is one item/product that you love but never buy for yourself? not really sure, if I want somethimg I usually buy it lol

    Do you and or your children like to make crafts? If so is there anything you would like for crafting? yes and anything for them
    Buddy, do you have a wax melter/warmer. If so, are you looking for melts? Which scents do you like? yes i do, anything fruity
    As the 13th is our gag gift day what type of gift would you be ok with adult or more geared toward children? either
    Buddy- If you have children, what sizes do they wear? size 7/8 clothes size 13/1 shoes but she is on kids train
    15. Buddy, do you have any use for handmade christmas tags, cards/envelope? yes
    16. Buddy, would you be interested in Epicure products? If so, which ones? i love epicure!! anything lol
    17. I'm heading to the Disney store today, any specific character you're looking for in ornament form? nothing specific
    18. Buddy - what size is your dog? dont have one
    19. Question for my buddy. I have sent homemade beef jerky on packages before and it was a hit. Our whole family lives it. Would you be ok with homemade? yes yes yes
    20. Buddy, is there anything that you forgot on you wishlist that you would like to add? i dont think so
    21. What colours do(es) your kid(s) like(s)? Any preferences? me green livi purple/pink/blue
    22. Do(es) your kid(s) into make-up yet? If yes, what kind? not me, livi loves nail polish
    23. Do(es) your kid(s) have(s) any skin/scent allergies? i do,strong smells start mt asthma, fruity is ok
    24. If your kid(s) like(s) craft, what kind of material do they use (i.e. pencils or paints, what kind of markers or pencils for coloring, foam or felt, etc.)? no paints yet, anything else
    25. What kind of candies do(es) your kid(s) like(s)? livi no sour anything else, i love sour
    26. Do(es) your kid(s) have(s) any favorite places (i.e. McDonald's, Wendy's, etc.)? How would they feel about receiving a gift card or let's say a coupon book for that place? she would love it,,we live across the road from mcdonalds blocks from wendys and i work at A&W
    27. How do you feel about hand made things (i.e. hand made scarf, socks, gloves, blanket, napkins, etc.)? Would you like to get something for yourself or perhaps your kid(s)? love them and yes
    28. Would you or your kid(s) be interested in receiving small craft kits from Michael's to make something together (i.e. cross stitch pattern with threads provided, mealty beads to make a toy, foam kit, 3D structure, glimmer art, etc.)? definately
    29. Would you prefer the train to be aimed for just you or your whole family?? livi is on the kids train but either way is good
    30. What do your husbands like if you have one? coffee, chocolate covered coffee beans, chocolate and video games
    31. For those you love David Tea! Would you prefer another store brand? any
    32. Buddy- do you drink? Wine, Liquor? If so, what do you prefer? vodka coolers, vodka, no wine
    40. Are there any Christmas movies/shows/specials that you don't have on DVD that you're looking for? christmas carol george c scott version
    43. how old are you and your dh? (If you have one?) im 43 on dec 11 dh is 38
    44. what size do you wear if you didn't already state it in the wishlist for tops? 2xl
    45. For your Christmas decorating, do you have a theme or color scheme? kid themed lol
    46. For those with or without advent calendars, what's your opinion? like any of them
    47. What is your most wanted item under 3? Under 5? Under 10? really dont know
    Hoping to get out to the Our Best To You show this weekend. Buddy is there anything at this kind of show you like picking up?? i live in a 2 bedroom apartment so nothing to big
    -What is everyone's favorite shows and movies? The Walking Dead, NCIS, Criminal Minds, How to get away with murder, Once Upon A Time, Law and Order etc
    livi- scooby doo, paw patrol, any cartoon really
    -how would you feel if you won't get a gag gift? Would you rather get something from your wish list? either is good.
    -Buddy, if given chance, which Tazo tea would you choose? not sure, i like regular teas
    Are you OK with some halloween candy filler? for sure
    Buddy, is there a set of McDonalds toys you like to collect this year but perhaps never get to? i live across the road, i think my daughter has almost all
    are you into any sports? If so, what is/are your favorite team(s)? not really my son loves toronto maple leafs but has so much stuff it fills half of his spare room
    Buddy, are there any snacks you would like but didnt have on your wishlist? not sure
    Is there anything at SDM that you really, really want? I'm gong this weekend for the 20X the points not sure
    buddy anything other than your wishlist anything you pick
    Any hygiene items you are needing? Shampoo, conditioners, body wash Ect....? detangler, conditioner
    anything you might need from Costco? not sure
    I'm heading to Michaels tomorrow, is there anything I can get you?? craft stuff
    I will put a chocolate or so as extra in my buddy's package...Buddy any preference? reeses, oh henry, crunchie, crispy crunch, i could go on and on lol

    Last edited by chesterjes; Sun, Nov 15th, 2015 at 02:12 PM.
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  11. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by scbpooh View Post
    Buddy you may or may not be riding the kiddie train as well. Would you prefer the train to be aimed for just you or your whole family?? I would like mine aimed at everyone if possible . Majority for me though (yes I'm being selfish )

    Forgotten things on my wl..... Didn't really think of hubby...oops! For him Gillette proline razor/refills, gilet shave gel, Speed stick (blue stick), anything Hulk or Walking Dead.
    Quote Originally Posted by becky_j View Post
    I would like my stuff to be equal. And how could u forget my
    me too, would like to get a little bit of everything for everyone if possible . lol and most definitely a couple things for my dear husband ..

    Quote Originally Posted by couponteen101 View Post
    Buddy, is there anything that you forgot on you wishlist that you would like to add?
    .. and since we are talking about husbands, it made me to remember that I forgot to put on my WL some things for him
    Nexxus Therappe Ultra Moisture (he likes this one in particular for its "bounty" smell .. lol he won't say no to a full size bottle but will be happy with the sample size too)
    He uses Gillette Proglide razor but likes these too Gillette Custom Plus Pivot Disposable Razors
    completely forgot about socks for DH .. we usually buy this type for him (his size is 11 but size 9-11 works just fine)
    lol and last but not least he likes these pens (black is preferred but blue will work too)

    lol I hope I didn't forgot anything else.
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  12. #312
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    What do your husbands like? The question is for those who have husbands I guess lol.
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  13. #313
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    no husband just bf but he is into the geeky stuff star wars, star trek, batman, Toronto maple leafs

  14. #314
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    however would ony get him 1 or 2 things as he didn't even want to be included

  15. #315
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    Heading downtown for classes. 10am to 9pm with only 1, 1 hour break. Plus the 1-1/5 hours each way. I'm already tired.
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