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Thread: what are people planting this year .....

  1. #31
    Bean bun going offline Ciel's Avatar
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    Canadian Gardening's e-newsletter has lots of tips on growing from seeds. But this article on what can be planted first for spring will help the SCers keen to get started on their gardens by preparing the planting area before sowing.
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  2. #32
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    Leek, Onion and Kale were started indoors from seed and have been planted out in the garden - doing very well. Also planted spinach directly in garden a few days ago. Fingers crossed that the wire worms are not a problem this year. I have parsley and lettuce started from seed indoors at the moment. As soon as they are up, they will be put outside on the deck but I'll keep them in pots for the time being.
    Last edited by momof5boys; Fri, Feb 12th, 2016 at 01:18 PM.
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  3. #33
    Canadian Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by momof5boys View Post
    Leek, Onion and Kale were started indoors from seed and have been planted out in the garden - doing very well. Also planted spinach directly in garden a few days ago. Fingers crossed that the wire worms are not a problem this year. I have parsley and lettuce started from seed indoors at the moment. As soon as they are up, they will be put outside on the deck but I'll keep them in pots for the time being.
    I am so jealous!!!
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by momof5boys View Post
    Leek, Onion and Kale were started indoors from seed and have been planted out in the garden - doing very well. Also planted spinach directly in garden a few days ago. Fingers crossed that the wire worms are not a problem this year. I have parsley and lettuce started from seed indoors at the moment. As soon as they are up, they will be put outside on the deck but I'll keep them in pots for the time being.
    Lettuce coming up...I put the large container outside on the deck. I'll leave the lettuce in this container and use as needed when ready to eat. It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow so that should give my plants a bit of joy tomorrow

  5. #35
    Smart Canuck
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    in 2 weeks there is a seedy Saturday close to my area. I plan on going to get some seeds. they usually have really good ones.

    I have been checking my composter... aka.. the frozen block of ice. hoping it starts to thaw soon.

    hoping soon to getout ,and start cleaning up from the winters mess........ everything out there simply needs love. loads of love.
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  6. #36
    Smart Canuck
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    This year, I've planted the usual things - peas, potatos, cabbage, dry beans, string beans, onions, leeks, garlic, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, beets, kale, carrots, zucchini, basil, and flowers around the garden (sunflowers, zinnias, pansies, marigolds). I wanted to see if I could grow rosemary, epazote, and stevia from seed. I managed to grow enough of all three to transplant into containers outside this coming week. My other experiment - so happy I tried it! - was to use milk jugs as mini greenhouses to start cool weather vegetables and herbs outside in March/April. The house ended up being far less cluttered with transplants and the ones started outside didn't have to be hardened off - I just put them right in the garden when the time was right.

    Can't wait to see people's pictures of the things they're growing this summer!
    maggiespice likes this.

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