I've been absent from the coupon trading and using world for way too long.
With just having taken on a car loan we are in need of saving money however possible now, especially with summer coming up and the trips we'd like to take.
Can trade stamps, or small gift cards since I am just getting started again.
Items we use;
Laundry soap- almost every kind! Will buy whatever is cheapest. Except I HAVE to buy powered tide for our cloth diapers.
Toilet paper- again whatever is cheapest we buy
Kids snacks- we have two in school and a toddler so we buy tons!
All types of food (pasta, fish, sandwich meat etc)
Almond milk! Our son hates white milk.
Underjams and baby wipes
The occasional box of disposable diapers.
Health and Beauty products (deodorant, soaps and shampoos).
If you think you have things that I am looking for, please message me!
