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Thread: Not so Price Matching Friendly

  1. #1
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    Our RCSS has signs all over the place that they will happily price match. However, I have started to notice that items are frequently price matched are either discontinued or just happen not to be in stock on a particular week (of a really good price matching sale) at the RCSS. Has anyone else noticing that?

    This thread is currently associated with: Real Canadian Superstore RCSS

  2. #2
    Smart Canuck
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    Quote Originally Posted by akajw View Post
    Our RCSS has signs all over the place that they will happily price match. However, I have started to notice that items are frequently price matched are either discontinued or just happen not to be in stock on a particular week (of a really good price matching sale) at the RCSS. Has anyone else noticing that?
    IMO it's at least partly YMMV depending on the store and the items. In my case, while it's a selected example, there's one thing I PM fairly often that my nearest RCSS seldom has more than 4 or 5 on the shelf, so it only takes one person doing the same PM before before me for it to be out of stock. And it's sometimes out of stock even when it's not PM-able that week.

    That said, I see no stock of things often enough to suspect that stores sometimes pull some items, short-stock or don't rush to restock them. I just don't have any idea how often this happens vs. there was a normal amount of stock that sold out.
    Last edited by Arjon; Fri, Sep 20th, 2019 at 01:41 PM.
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  3. #3
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    As far as not rushing to restock an item (that is on sale somewhere else) it magically appears on the Thursday when the sale is over. I have seen that time and time again.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by akajw View Post
    Our RCSS has signs all over the place that they will happily price match. However, I have started to notice that items are frequently price matched are either discontinued or just happen not to be in stock on a particular week (of a really good price matching sale) at the RCSS. Has anyone else noticing that?

    Well, I will give my bit of insight to this. Before I started working at RCSS, I would've always said, "Oh, it's simple, why can't they just get more product on the shelf. They never have anything on the shelves, especially these price match items". But now that I work in Grocery Replenishement, I see this issue (at least of stock) doesn't normally come from the employees who stock the shelves, it is most of the time management, in not ordering certain items. However, I will say at least at my store, I find this happens more often in the meat department than grocery. Our store is normally pretty good at having stock of everything in grocery (Even if it is on a really good price match). It also some times has to do with the number of employees (night replenishment), sometimes we simply don't have enough people to get the stuff out. In the three months I have been working so far, we have only had one really bad night where we were unable to work two skids of product and stock one entire aisle. Mainly because a few people called in sick/didn't come in. So we couldn't get the order stocked on the shelf. So it can really vary by store, but I find my store is normally okay with ordering and stocking.

    I hope this helps to give a little insight into this matter, other stores, I'm not too sure, but ours isn't normally that bad when it comes to stock level...
    Tweets77, Ciel and lilo0003 like this.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by akajw View Post
    As far as not rushing to restock an item (that is on sale somewhere else) it magically appears on the Thursday when the sale is over. I have seen that time and time again.
    Me too, but I've also seen plenty of times when things that weren't on the shelf the first time I looked for them are restocked later that same flyer week, so still in time to PM. As I said, I think slow restocking of shelves does happen, but I doubt it's the reason for every instance of the Thur. situation you noted.
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  6. #6
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    What I find frustrating is when someone has a good sale (ex. 2 liter cokes $1) RCSS matches the price at the shelf but LIMIT 2.
    PM allows for 4.
    Purdee, Ciel and HermanH like this.

  7. #7
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    This article gave me quite the chuckle!!

    Just saw that the article I had in here is not available now?
    Last edited by walkonby; Fri, Jan 3rd, 2025 at 07:30 AM.
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  8. #8
    Canadian Genius Ciel21's Avatar
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    Walmart stores will accept price matches to prices, per their policy. If you use their app while in store to compare store prices to items sold by and shipped by Walmart online, bring along a printed copy of the pricematching policy.
    Poirot and walkonby like this.

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