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  • 1 Post By Suze101

Thread: Having issues printing some of the coupons

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
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    Hey, I am super new to this web page and I have noticed that some of the coupons do not let you print them. I am not sure if this is because they are expired or if they are just a previous coupon. I am really looking to coupon things like bounty paper towels right now and possibly some motrin pain killers and it was just re-directing me to another page with coupons I could print. I was hoping somebody could tell me what I did wrong please.

    thank you so much!
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  2. #2
    Canadian Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suze101 View Post
    Hey, I am super new to this web page and I have noticed that some of the coupons do not let you print them. I am not sure if this is because they are expired or if they are just a previous coupon. I am really looking to coupon things like bounty paper towels right now and possibly some motrin pain killers and it was just re-directing me to another page with coupons I could print. I was hoping somebody could tell me what I did wrong please.

    thank you so much!
    What coupon page are you referring to?

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