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Thread: Marketplace shopping rant!

  1. #1
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    I’ve had it with third party sellers. Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy… I’m done.
    Back in the early days of the pandemic, I ordered a few board games from Amazon to help pass the time (huge board game fan here). I was expecting an expansion pack called Coup: Reformation, but what I received was obviously a knockoff. The colours were off, the packaging just a label on a box, not at all printed on. It looked cheap – and it wasn’t. I paid for the real thing.
    Annoyed, but not deterred, I recently ordered some clothes that were supposed to be Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren. But what I received were so obviously fake. The labels weren’t even there at all, never mind being the right ones.
    And I know you’re all going to tell me to be careful with third-party sellers, or just don’t buy from them anymore, and I’m not going to. But I wish it hadn’t gotten this bad. I wish online shopping wasn’t such a minefield these days.
    I really wish Amazon would get rid of 3rd party sellers, or at least put a big ol' label on them so you can avoid them more easily.
    Has anyone else had similar experiences?

    This thread is currently associated with: &, Walmart
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  2. #2
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    I never ever order clothes on line. My son has in the past and never received the correct size, colour or make! Receitly, ive ordered some stuff from Amazon, like spice labels, deep fryer and some other stuff. All came ok. MY SIL orders from Amazon all the time and only had 1 issue with them. he ordered a Telescope for one of the kids for Xmas. The box came damaged but the goods inside were ok.
    I dont order from Best Buy, actually i never buy anything from them because of a bad experience several years ago. And i havent ordered online from Walmart in years; no real reason.

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