Remember I posted this thread five years ago about being in the psych ward at Peace Arch Hospital? I was there for four months from August 2017 to December 2017.

My first of two complaints is about a dayshift nurse and I'll say that I'm a picky eater and there's a lot of things I don't like, so when I got up from the table one day after I wasn't there very long to phone my parents to bring me something I like the nurse insisted I should try what’s on my tray because she thought I might be surprised with myself. Also when I let my life skills worker know later on that I'd just about lost it I didn't like it that he said I would have to stay in the hospital longer if I did lose it. And the same nurse who was forceful about me trying the food that was given to me that I didn't like had said just a day earlier that if my parents could bring me food I like from home that would be great.

My other complaint is about a nightshift nurse. I would always sit in my room and wait for her to bring my nighttime meds to me at 9:30 and this seemed to work every night that I had her as a nurse until one night after I'd already been there for four months she said that as soon as it’s 9:30 I can come to the nursing station and ask for them. I don’t think she was yelling, but she sounded aggressively firm when saying this to me and she embarrassed me in front of my roommates who were with me in my four-patient bedroom. Then the following night when it was 9:30 I was gunna do as she said and go to the nursing station to ask for my meds, but she was away from there giving meds to another patient. After I got in line behind that other patient she said to me again that I can come and ask her for them, but the way she said it this time sounded like how she would say it to me if I didn’t remember what she said on the night before about coming to ask for my meds when I am ready for them or like how she would say it if she thought I wasn’t gunna listen to her about what she said to do. I'll say that I am visually impaired and couldn't see with the other patient standing in front of me that she was holding a tray on the opposite side of her with my meds on it. And then the night after that (being the third that I had issues with this nurse) when I showed up at the nursing station another patient was already there in line in front of me. So as soon as I got in line the nurse said to give her a minute. Now at first I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or that other patient and then because I was still standing behind him she said to me in a rather snappy tone of voice quote, “go sit down and give me a minute.” Again I am visually impaired and I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or the other patient the first time that she said to give her a minute,

Do you think that going to
and providing a complaint where I give the first names of the two nurses under the category "complaints about patient care quality" would be the right thing to do and would it look good on me?
