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Thread: The Day That Hated Me

  1. #1
    Junior Canuck Gazpache's Avatar
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    So I just got a new job after being unemployed for 2 years. I got my first paycheque on Friday and decided that since for 2 years I've had to say no to so many things while shopping, I was going to have a "Say Yes" day. A day where I could go out and spoil myself.. buy anything I wanted without even looking at price tags. I was really looking forward to it.
    -Side note for those who don't know.. I'm permanently disabled due to knee issues. I use crutches to get around at all times. I tire very easily with hobbling around so I try to limit my time on them if I can..

    I went to Old Navy. I bought a pair of jeans from them a few weeks ago and they're super comfortable. I wanted to get a few more since my work allows us to wear jeans every day. They're the "Sweetheart" style boot cut jeans. I noticed that online one colour of the jeans is about $20 and the others are about $40 so I figured I'd try the jeans on in the store to be sure they fit right, and then order the $20 ones online with a few other shirts I wanted that were online only sales.
    The jeans don't fit. Apparently the ones I got a few weeks ago were "last year's style" and fit differently. *sigh* So I leave with nothing. I'm a little miffed because I had totally thought I finally got jeans that fit well and I loved, but no such luck.

    Then I go to the WalMart at Polo Park.
    What a nightmare. I go to customer service to return some crutch tips (the bottom rubber parts). I bought them at the Unicity location and lost the receipt, but figuring that Walmart was Walmart, and that I'd bought things at one and returned them at another before, that this wouldn't be an issue.
    Oh I was wrong. So wrong.
    I told the girl I was returning them and didn't have a receipt. Well right then and there she decided that I must be scamming the company. She scans the tips and they're not in their system. She tells me that "They're not in our system so you didn't buy them from us." I said "Well that's weird, I got them from the Unicity Walmart. I thought your products were the same everywhere". She goes "Well you didn't buy them from Walmart. They're not ours. You can't return them." I said "Ok guess I have to go back to the Unicity one and return them there." (I'm a bit miffed but still being really pleasant) then she says "Well you're not going to be able to return them there either. They're not FROM walmart. You're not going to get anything past them either!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She was accusing me of trying to commit fraud. I understand that some people do that but really.. she could have said something without any attitude or accusations. She pushed the crutch tips back towards me forcefully yelled out "NEXT!". I just stood there for a second absolutely stunned. Against my better judgement I took the crutch tips, put them back in my purse and went to look at jeans.
    Well Walmart has a totally different idea of sizing than anywhere else I've ever been. Nothing fit. I folded the clothes up nicely and tried to give them back to the clerk at the change rooms who acted like it was a huge imposition for her to take them from me. And sighed loudly and rolled her eyes when I passed her 5 pairs of jeans that I'd rejected. At this point I said screw getting the other things i wanted to get there and left. I was fed up with the terrible customer service.

    Now I move on to a store that sells medical devices for handicapped people.. like walkers, scooters, bath benches etc. I ask for a set of crutch tips (the ones from walmart were beige and the rest of my crutches are gray, I figured it was probably best to colour match...). Luckily they have a set of gray ones. While I'm paying, the guy rips my crutches out of my hands and starts to remove the old tips and put the new ones on. I'm thinking, wow, that's really nice of him to do. Until he says "And look at that, I didn't even charge you for installation!". I felt like saying "Yeah you damn well better not!" since A. I didn't ask you to, and B. I could easily do it at home like I always do. Now normally I'd take a comment like that as a joke, like the guy was being a goof.. but he seemed dead serious.


    Off to Shopper's Drug Mart. I need to pick some prescriptions up. They should be free because my pharmacare deductible for the year is $100. I've already paid $100 in a previous trip, so these drugs should be covered by pharmacare. Nope. Apparently I have to pay for these ones too. I asked the pharmacist to take a second look just to be sure, but low and behold the government's system is telling him that I haven't reached that $100 yet. Alright.. fine.. whatever.. so I get ready to pay the $67 for my medications. Then their computer system goes down and won't come back up. 10 minutes of waiting and my good leg's ready to give out.. and they finally say they will bring the prescriptions to the front and have a regular cashier check them out. Fine... I head to the front and everything goes smoothly there.

    I go to McDonalds drive thu to get a burger because at this point I'm beyond exhausted and need a break. The debit machine chooses that exact moment to die at the window I was at. So I had to wait at the second window for the poor girl who seemed extremely overworked, to have a second to take my payment. I actually felt pretty bad for her.. she seemed really busy and the last thing she needed was to be processing payments as well.

    So now I go to the Unicity Walmart in hopes to get all the things I didn't get at the Polo Park Walmart. I go in, they return the crutch tips with no issues at all. I told the girl at customer service what had happened at the other WM and she was horrified. She couldn't figure out why the tips weren't in the PP WM system either..
    So now I'm really tired and go to get one of the motorized wheelchairs. They're all gone. *sigh* So I grab a cart and try to awkwardly push it through the store to get the things i need. I start to tire out after a few minutes and start to move back to the front of the store in the hopes that a motorized cart will be there now. A Manager passes me and asks if I'm ok. I tell him that I'm trying to make my way to the front of the store to get a motor.. he says no problem, he grabs my cart from me and brings it to the front. I could have kissed him I was so grateful. Well there's still no motorized carts available. So I stand and talk to the greeter for a few minutes and low and behold a motor shows up! Fabulous! I leave my crutches with the greeter who takes them to CS and I motor off on my way. I get to the pet food aisle and BAM.. the thing is just creeping along.. it's suddenly out of battery. It limps to the front of the store and dies when I get back to the greeter. So now I have to transfer everything back into a regular cart and hobble my way through the store again. I get everything else I need as quickly as I can and head to cash. a 20 minutes wait at cash while I'm trying not to pass out from the pain because I've severely overdone it.. and I'm out of the store heading home. FINALLY going home. I took home some comment cards to fill out for the greeter and the manager. I was so touched by how hard they tried to help me out.

    I get home, unload and check the Old Navy website to get the jeans I want. Well they don't have any size 20 in the light wash ($20) anymore. But they do have 20's in the darker wash @ $40 a pair, but I'd need to get them hemmed because they don't have any with a 30 inch length left which would cost me another $20. *sigh* The whole idea of going to Old Navy was they were cheaper than Warehouse One where I usually get my jeans.. at WHO I can get 2@$75 and still need to get them hemmed. So either way... the great deal I though I was going to get with getting the $20 ones doesn't work out for me. Now i have no idea what to do or where to go to buy jeans that don't cost an arm and a leg. Oh and Old Navy also doesn't have the sweater I want in the right size online.. I knew I should have gotten it in the store but I figured if I was going to have to put in an online order I might as well add it to it. Dumb idea.. *sigh*

    So what was supposed to be a relaxing, fun, spoil myself shopping trip, ended up with me at home in tears because I am so tired, sore, frustrated and insulted. It took 5 hours to get all that done. I definitely shopped til I dropped. I dropped far before I stopped!

    The only thing that went my way was I stopped at an RCSS to open one of their PC Financial Bank Accounts and that went smoothly.. no problems, really nice bank rep, set up really quickly.. it was the only thing that was easy today and it was the thing I figured would be the most difficult!

    I almost feel like a horrible day like this is payback for letting myself feel a bit greedy... feeling like I could go spoil myself.
    This thread is currently associated with: Guess, McDonald's, Old Navy, Real Canadian Superstore RCSS, Walmart

  2. #2
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Hey, so now you are due for a good day - karma.
    Glad that the guy put the tip on your crutches for you, despite his weird sense of humour.
    Glad that the Walmart manager helped you out. Nice of you to fill out the comment card!
    Here's hoping tomorrow is a good day.
    hollyquaiscer likes this.

  3. #3
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    Geez, what's next? All the bad luck has to be used up by now, I'd think! Hope your weekend fairs better

  4. #4
    Canadian Genius wolfwoman's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear about your bad day. But Karma will pay you back threefold. We've all had days like that is it helps. I had one day where I fell flat on my face for no reason, tripped over anything that could be tripped over, dropped everything in my hands etc. I was scared to handle anything sharp for fears of accidently slitting my wrists. I hope you have better days ahead.

  5. #5
    Clearance Junkie Ami1984's Avatar
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    I am so sorry to hear about your terrible day, reading everything that happened to you I just kept shaking my head, I actually could not believe all that bad stuff happened in only 5 hours, I hope after a day like that you have a terrific month or 2
    hollyquaiscer likes this.

  6. #6
    Canadian Guru
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    Hope everything is way better today.
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  7. #7
    Canadian Genius Insane's Avatar
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    aawww....what a horrible day. You are due for a fantastic day now!

    On the plus side, think of all the money you saved!
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  8. #8
    Junior Canuck Gazpache's Avatar
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    I think I got a bit of pay back today ... I had to work today (I do Sunday-Thursday and work in customs brokerage) and it was dead dead dead.. so the last 3 hours I sat and did nothing. I figured that equaled out the bad day just a bit
    Insane, KK7, hollyquaiscer and 2 others like this.

  9. #9
    Junior Canuck Gazpache's Avatar
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    and now I find out that the reason the day was dead was the girl who was supposed to be training me wasn't checking her emails so we missed a ton of work. I went into work this morning and it's like a bomb exploded.. everybody was going crazy. All because we didn't do a ton of stuff Sunday.
    Whoops. At least I can get out of any blame by saying I've only been there 2 weeks!

  10. #10
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    Here's hoping that your week improves! *Big hug*

  11. #11
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    Reitmans carries Petite jeans in 30 inch length for $36 or less. You can often find really great deals (last week they had 50% off all clearance!) and the ladies are usually really helpful. They have a style called Comfort fit, these pants just pull on and are SUPER comfortable. Try the pants one size smaller than you normally wear cuz they stretch as you wear them. They are my turkey dinner pants and I love them!!!

  12. #12
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry to read about your bad day. I have plenty of those painful days myself. A lot of days I don't leave the house because of pain. Lately a family member has been coming with me when I go out due to pain and the possibility of falling. First off.....get better meds... Sometimes when you are on the same meds for a long time, you either need to change the dose or change meds, happens to me all the time. As for the CS clerk at WM, you should have requested to speak to her supervisor, there is no excuse for that, it makes me very sad when I read things like this. We are all people and we all deserve to be treated wtih respect, no matter the situation. As far as getting jeans to fit, I've also had similar problems lately, but due to the fact that I have lost so mucb weight due to my illness. I can't find anything smaller than a 2 in a jean that will be appropriate for me to wear. I don't do the low to no crotch jeans, I have no ass so it can be extremely frustrating. Try Reitmans or I have a lot of luck at the bay. Believe it or not, they due have great prices when on sale or on clearance. I got a really nice pair of jeans about a month ago, Guess a cigarette style regular price was $128 on clearance for $48.00 then they had a save 70% off that, so the jeans were practically free My youngest daughter comes over and borrows them for heaven sake. I'm sure your week is getting much better and congrats on getting back to work.
    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

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