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  1. #9946
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Is it possible the lines are down? or he went to stay someplace else?

    will you be my friend? please?

  2. #9947
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    Well, it's been a wild few days! I haven't been on much--have been extra busy and anytime I wasn't, I was voting. I was still voting at 3:30 this morning

    I have only entered 10 words out of about 80 that we've had here recently. Every once in a while I read a few posts and gave some rep. Earlier today, I got caught up on the posts, but have a big list that I still need to rep. I'll get there anytime I can't give rep, I write down the post # and get it the next time. It works pretty well.

    Today was my son's 14th birthday so we hung out together for most of the day I can't believe he's 14 OMG!!!

    Anyway, probably boring you to death with my life...on to some replies:

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    btw, not to be a downer..but this was "antibullying day" . and my son got beatup on way home he's sore all over, missed tkd, feelings crushed, but otherwise ok. called the principal of the jr highschool. ryan knew one of the kids. he is suspending the kid for 2 days. and telling him if it happens again, the rcmp maybe involved.

    i told the principal this time i'm letting him handle it. cause kids are kids..ya know? but he only gets this one chance. 2 other kids stood around and laffed. they will be hauled into the office once he wrings their name outta offender #1.
    WTF??? I'm thinkin' that too many people are just itchin' to see rebate queen turn into psycho queen!! Oh...I soo hate that. I went through so much of that as a kid. You know it ends up that most bullies turn into losers as adults. I've seen it at all of my class reunions.
    Tell Ryan that living well is the best revenge. Try to take those feelings and turn them into some positive energy, to do something awesome, because he's awesome. I mean why else would these kids pick him?? Because they see that he's going to be successful, and they can't stand it! There's also the saying that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I think Ryan has been given a lot of challenges because God has something special in store for him. He probably needs someone that he knows is going to persevere and succeed, no matter what!!

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    absolutely! just get her to use my referral link in my siggy i can use the 50 cents LOL.

    re: ryan, i do NOT want to get rcmp (police) involved at this pt. Ryan had problems with agression at his old school before he was diagnosed with ADHD/ODD. ryan did some horrible things as well that i don't want to relive. The school called in psychologist, and even a behavioral specialist from the schoolboard. The school would not implement their suggestions. Things got bad, parents ganged up on ryan and ryan was suspended for the remaining of the year in grade 2.

    We were pissed. He was finally diagnosed in grade 2, but had to go through the process of figuring out which combination of meds works. The principal would not give EPA support citing that it goes to the kids with severe medical issues first.

    It actually went to a hearing. The schoolboard got involved. We requested a transfer after speaking with another principal..god bless her heart she was willing to take him on and work with him.

    (this is so hard to continue)

    anyway, the schoolboard got involved, ryan was given an Epa, and an IPP, a program that worked around his issues. The behavioral specialist worked closely with the epas. Ryan was supended once. why? because he was having a bad day. he punched the principal after hearing her talking to his epa about how they were bringing the police in.

    It was not about him at all. they were talking about another kid. anyway, ryan's past experience with teachers and principals had him distrusting his new school. he had some issues since, when they switched epas on him. mostly threats. his rcmp/tkd instructor straightened him out on that one.

    anyway, he did a complete 360. this kid has shown no acts of agression towards anyone for YEARS. he still has some ODD issues to work on. the pills are controlling the adhd, so he needs less and less epa support.

    so this is why i'm giving this kid a chance. I don't know what he's dealing with on his end, and god knows ryan has been there.

    i'm sure once he knows we're serious, he'll leave ryan alone. i just hope he doesn't pick on someone else.
    Kudos to you mom! You have gone above and beyond to enable Ryan to succeed!! I'm sure it's been a huge heartwrenching challenge. Hugs to you!

    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    You know when my boys were in grade school, they were bullied by this kid. But when we saw the kid at the store he would be so friendly to my husband. I told the kids he is obviously jealous of you cause he wants a dad like yours. Sure enough when his mother finally found a good man to marry the kid was so happy and everything that he said to my boys thank you for praying for God to send me a good dad cause I was jealous that you had a good dad. Another kid was bullying them and it turned out that ones dad was an abusive alcoholic. He burned down their house after beating his wife and kids one night. It is sad that kids can have such serious issues to deal with.
    Sometimes I wonder how we don't have even more screwed up people in the world. What so many kids go through is horrendous

    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    Oh btw, the inlaws are all nuts and fighting and the mother in law is ill. I have to go deal with them today. Any of you need a friend to rush by your side so I can get out of going? lol I wish I were anywhere but here today. rofl
    Yes, I'm always in need! Come on over, I'll be your excuse any old day!! We'll go to the beach

    Quote Originally Posted by leftie View Post
    Doing my hourly duty and voting and entering words - copied the latest comment from snotty beotch in Justin's comments
    by Chrissy Fri, Sep 12th 2008, 06:09
    Very cute kid. PLease beaware of the members of a certain forum you have gotten yourself in with. U may think they are helping but they Will Cause way more problems than want you want. % shoes

    TIme for damage control - lol
    Oh please what a jealous idiot beotch. Maybe we should feel sorry for her. Maybe she's one of the kids that had a horrible childhood...maybe she's one of the losers, one of the bullies turned computer savvy adult bully...maybe she's too big to fit through her front door and has to live life at the computer making people miserable.
    I've put in a prayer request to the cult leader.

    Quote Originally Posted by RTlady View Post
    Awwww Thanks ever so much for posting pics of all my grandchildren....(I wish) -aren't they just adorable???
    I told you that you can claim mine!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Morning all,

    Tried voting, but it sends me to the SK Entertainment page, so it looks like I'm out of luck again. I voted on and off most of yesterday (sometimes it worked, sometimes I got booted off, ugh!) and am doing what I can. Here's hoping the good guys win!

    NSAngel, hope your son is feeling better. I never had to deal with bullying when I was in school, unless you count the nuns).

    Welcome to any new folks, I'm rather new myself.

    Hope everyone has a happy (in my case rainy!) Friday!
    I had nuns in school also, and one really would smack our hands with a ruler(just in case anybody wondered)

    Quote Originally Posted by bubblekat View Post
    OK...I can't take this anymore!!!!!!! This contest needs to END NOW!!!! If not I will need to be on blood pressure medication for sure!!!!! Look what this B***H wrote!!!!!!!

    • by anonymous Fri, Sep 12th 2008, 14:26
      Another cheater I see pfft...but with that face I guess you need ppl to cheat for you.
    What did they used to say in grade school?? "Takes one to know one"...and what about "the smeller's the feller"...and also "sticks and stones will break her bones"...oh sorry, it didn't go like that did it???

  3. #9948
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Well his cell was busy, then she called again, left message. He doesnt' inform me of poop. He hasn't had contact with her in a year at least refuses to return calls, it's a mess. But shes still worried ya know..

  4. #9949
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Stardreamer is in Louisiana

  5. #9950
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    guys, keep voting for justin, i'm keeping the downvoter quite busy

    will you be my friend? please?

  6. #9951
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aphena View Post
    Well his cell was busy, then she called again, left message. He doesnt' inform me of poop. He hasn't had contact with her in a year at least refuses to return calls, it's a mess. But shes still worried ya know..
    what an idiot. and it's her (bio) dad, so of course she still luvs him.

    i thought stardreamer was in louisianna and moved to texas..ok i'm straight now, her son/daughter is in texas right? now i'm worried sick.

    will you be my friend? please?

  7. #9952
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    the contest is screwing up. I live in North Eastern OK. I am close to arkansas where armh lives. WE always get storms off the hurricanes that hit texas. And texas is a HUGE state.

  8. #9953
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    I think Stardreamer is in Monroe, Louisiana & her daughter & son in Houston. Stardreamer is the one that lost everything when Katrina hit.
    Last edited by Jettred; Fri, Sep 12th, 2008 at 09:31 PM.

  9. #9954
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    Damn..I get done with one reply and then there's three more pages. I just can't keep up with you guys!

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    oh, and i wish it were a golden loonie. lol. but ya, it's a looney, a $2 coin is a toonie. go figure..crazy canucks.. and our money looks like monopoly.
    I've been wondering about that...I kept meaning to ask WTF is a CaToonie, and CaLoonie.....

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    i wish the dh would let me buy a wii
    I'm saving up for the Wii at P&P. I'll get it just in time to move into the nursing home

    Quote Originally Posted by Jettred View Post
    I would not EVEN want to go there!!! If she's from Oklahoma she could have some bad weather from this as Oklahoma is just above Texas.
    She is from Oklahoma and she posted something about tornado warning I think. Oklahoma is right above Texas, but Texas is so big, that she would have no worries from the actual hurricane itself. Tornadoes get spawned from the storms though and those suckers can travel!!

    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    It may affect trebleclef, she's south too
    I may be remembering wrong, but wasn't it Trebleclef that lost everything in a previous hurricane??

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    wait, we have an scer in louisiana..but which one???? maybe that's trebel?
    ..I know stardreamer is in Louisiana, but by the time I post this I'm sure someone will have answered that.....

    There are all kind of rumors flying here about the gas. I even heard that they weren't going to sell any gas after today until Tuesday. It took my friend an hour in line to fill up his tank!! I've been so out of touch the last few days so thanks for the hurricane updates!!

  10. #9955
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jettred View Post
    I think Stardreamer is in Monroe, Louisiana & her daughter & son in Houston. Stardreamer is the one that lost everything when Katrina hit.
    i was telling my hubby about that. that's why i thought she moved out of there. she must be freakin'.

    will you be my friend? please?

  11. #9956
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    rebate come over to the votes, i'm keeping the downvoter busy, and i'm sure it's a machine, i'm testing it, if i'm right, i'm flippin another email off.

    will you be my friend? please?

  12. #9957
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    am i correct in this assumption guys.

    the way averages work, with this contest.

    once you go below 5 shoes, there is no way you can get full 5 again? because you'll always be 4.9 something?

    or? can it round up to 5? after being divided like that...

    i took math in university, but i'm too tired to think.

    do you know what i'm asking?

    will you be my friend? please?

  13. #9958
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    SMARTFIT - 5000 points

  14. #9959
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    rebate come over to the votes, i'm keeping the downvoter busy, and i'm sure it's a machine, i'm testing it, if i'm right, i'm flippin another email off.
    ok, but what's the plan?

  15. #9960
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    am i correct in this assumption guys.

    the way averages work, with this contest.

    once you go below 5 shoes, there is no way you can get full 5 again? because you'll always be 4.9 something?

    or? can it round up to 5? after being divided like that...

    i took math in university, but i'm too tired to think.

    do you know what i'm asking?

    It can be done but it takes a looonnngggg time. They do round up...they have to or they would have some real long numbers on there!

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