Don't get me wrong, I love Tiger Direct and it is always on my list of places to check when I need something electronic. I often buy online and also have a store near me so to save on shipping for smaller items where the shipping makes it more expensive or when I need something now, I will often go to the store.

Everyone knows when working in retail that Saturdays are generally a busy day so why they would decide to rearrange the store on a weekend I have no idea. I had looked up the item I needed online (a new wireless adaptor for the other PC as my sweet little cat decided chewing it was an amazing idea and it no longer works).

Armed with the part number and brand/description I run into the store, follow the sign to 'Networking & Routers' (that is where a wireless internet adaptor should be, no?) to find that they have moved them all. Very polite staff member redirects me to where they are and I notice there is a sign there too.

Look everywhere on disorganised shelves for the adaptor I chose online, give up and ask second staff person who also can't find it and says maybe it is only online. Fine no problem, will just find something comparable. One problem - no price tickets on new shelves. So I pick up an armful of routers and take them all over to customer service for a price check. Wait around for a bit while the CS people just carry on looking through the returns and are fiddling with an open PC. So take it to cash and a very polite staff person rings every one of them through to get me prices.

Am very sure the prices are wrong so just get a decent but cheap adapter because I am so fed up at this stage and am listening to several people behind me also fed up and needing price checks.

I think I will stick to online in future!

Adapter works better than my Belkin one though